MVC4 - One form 2 submit buttons


you need to take the value from their server side by the name of the button,

public ActionResult Admin(List<AdminModel> model,string Command)
   string s = Command;
Vijay V
Author by

Vijay V

Updated on June 26, 2020


  • Vijay V
    Vijay V about 4 years

    I followed the instructions on this post: mvc3 razor with multiple submit buttons and here is my model:

    public class AdminModel
      public string Command { get; set; }

    My Controller

    public ActionResult Admin(List<AdminModel> model)
       string s = model.Command;

    My View

    @using (Html.BeginForm("Admin", "Account"))
      <input type="submit" name="Command" value="Deactivate"/>
      <input type="submit" name="Command" value="Delete"/>

    When I post back, string "s" is always null.

    I also tried the second answer (the one with 146 votes) in this forum post : How do you handle multiple submit buttons in ASP.NET MVC Framework? and thats also null. What am I doing wrong?

  • Vijay V
    Vijay V about 12 years
    whoa I thought I tried this, per the second forum on my post. I dont know what I did wrong that time. it works now thanks.
  • Vijay V
    Vijay V about 12 years
    My view was taking in a list of AdminModel :).
  • Cocowalla
    Cocowalla over 11 years
    Note that when using <button> tags and not <input> tags, pressing Enter in one of the form fields, the Command argument will not get set and will therefore be null. You can handle that by using Javascript to capture key press events, or by simply by setting a default value in the controller action: public ActionResult Admin(List<AdminModel> model, string Command = "Deactivate")