My ubuntu runs in slow motion on ubuntu 13.04 asus 1015cx


Solution 1

To fix the slow graphics performance, after upgrading to Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail, and using Intel GPU, do these two things:

  1. Open the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file (it may be blank or non-existent):

    gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
  2. Paste this and save the file:

    Section "Device"
    Identifier "Card0"
    Driver "intel"
    Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"
    #Option "AccelMethod" "sna"
  3. Reboot


Solution 2

You can't use Ubuntu comfortably with unity on this laptop because of a very weak GPU. I recommend to install Xubuntu or Lubuntu. These distro's do not require 3D acceleration for GUI working well.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • thj
    thj over 1 year

    My specs:

    my Asus EeePC 1015CX certified by ubuntu 12.04 lts

    asus 1015 cx with gma 3600 graphic card intel atom dual core ubuntu 13.04

    My problem: I need to use ubuntu 13.04, not 12.04.

    ubuntu 13.04 runs in slow motion on default unity desktop, is it graphic card problem?

    when i clicked file, runs in very slow animation on unity. windows comes up in very slow motion

    I can't even use ubuntu 13.04 because so slow.

    what's minimal requirement of ubuntu 13.04 or unity desktop? why is it so slow? what kind of processes should i take to fix it? I tried by myself but no good result.

    Need some help anyway. Any ideas ? maybe i should change hardware lol? my Asus EeePC 1015CX certified by ubuntu 12.04 lts !

  • int_ua
    int_ua almost 11 years
    nope, doesn't change anything
  • Rmano
    Rmano about 10 years
    Are you really sure that typing two less keystrokes for "you" is worth making your post appear childish? (not mentioning the last phrase about speed...). And by the way, James Joyce can go without commas and points, mere mortals should really use them...
  • Pilot6
    Pilot6 about 9 years
    There is no unity2d in Ubuntu 12.10, or newer. The last release with it was 12.04.