MySQL error in a procedure #1351 - View's SELECT contains a variable or parameter


As you see - view cannot use variables, it is a limitation. You are trying to create a view with exact WHERE condition; construct the CREATE VIEW statement text firstly, then use prepared statements to execute the statement, it will help you. But, do you really need it, to create, create and create new view?

EDIT: This is the content of the reference in the comment.

Olexandr Melnyk A simple workaround for MySQL's limitation on local variables usage in views is to use a function, which returns variable's value:

create function book_subject
returns varchar(64) as
return @book_subject;

create view thematical_books as
select title
, author
from books
where subject = book_subject();
Roger Fernandez Guri
Author by

Roger Fernandez Guri

Software Engineer. Avid traveler. Founded Precious and Joiner. Worked at Icebergs, Netquest and Wakoopa. I love to create things that didn't exist yesterday.

Updated on February 05, 2020


  • Roger Fernandez Guri
    Roger Fernandez Guri over 4 years

    PhpMyAdmin doesn't accept the parameters "id_jugador_IN" inside the procedure.

    This is the procedure we're executing:

    SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = 1;
    use traviandatabase;
    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_monitoritzacio_jugador $$
    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_monitoritzacio_jugador(IN id_jugador_IN INT(10))
        VIEW dades_ususari AS 
        SELECT j.nom AS jugador, j.sexe AS sexe, j.edat AS edat, j.correu AS correu, a.nom AS alianca, p.nom AS pais, c.nom_ciutat AS ciutat
        FROM jugador AS j
        JOIN alianca AS a
        JOIN pais AS p
        JOIN ciutat AS c
        ON j.id_jugador = id_jugador_IN
        GROUP BY id_jugador_IN;
    END $$
    CALL sp_monitoritzacio_jugador(1);

    And this is the table "jugador":

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `jugador`;
    CREATE TABLE `jugador` (
      `id_jugador` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `id_raca` int(10) NOT NULL,
      `id_pais` int(10) NOT NULL,
      `id_alianca` int(10) DEFAULT '0',
      `nom` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
      `sexe` enum('Home','Dona') NOT NULL,
      `edat` int(10) NOT NULL,
      `correu` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id_jugador`),
      KEY `jugador-alianca` (`id_alianca`),
      KEY `id_pais` (`id_pais`),
      KEY `id_raca` (`id_raca`)

    So it doesn't stop displaying the same error:

    MySQL said: 1351 - View's SELECT contains a variable or parameter