mysql get difference of two sum on the same table


Solution 1

You should use this

SELECT sum(IF(`type`=0, `quantity`, 0))-sum(IF(`type`=1, `quantity`, 0)) 
        AS    `final_result` 
        FROM   `fruits_delivery` 
        WHERE  `fid` = '1001' 


Old Answer

SELECT T1.result - T2.result AS `final_result` 
FROM   (SELECT Sum(`quantity`) AS result, 
        FROM   `fruits_delivery` 
        WHERE  `fid` = '1001' 
               AND `type` = 0 
        LIMIT  1) AS T1 
       JOIN (SELECT Sum(`quantity`) AS result, 
             FROM   `fruits_delivery` 
             WHERE  `fid` = '1001' 
                    AND `type` = 1 
             LIMIT  1) AS T2 
         ON ( T1.fid = T2.fid ) 


Solution 2

Alternatively, you can also do it using CASE

SELECT  SUM(CASE WHEN type = 0 THEN quantity ELSE 0 END) -
        SUM(CASE WHEN type = 1 THEN quantity ELSE 0 END)
          AS final_result
FROM    fruits_delivery
WHERE   fid = '1001'
Author by


Updated on June 08, 2022


  • alisongaleon
    alisongaleon almost 2 years

    how can i get the result in just one query instead of this one:

    SELECT SUM(`quantity`) as type0 FROM `fruits_delivery` 
        WHERE `fid`='1001' AND `type`=0;

    result_1 = type0 ;

    SELECT SUM(`quantity`) as type1 FROM `fruits_delivery`  
        WHERE `fid`='1001' AND `type`=1;

    result_2 = type1 ;

    final_result = result_1 - result_2;

  • alisongaleon
    alisongaleon over 11 years
    hi, thanks for the reply but i get the #1054 - Unknown column 'T1.result' in 'field list' error..
  • Shiplu Mokaddim
    Shiplu Mokaddim over 11 years
    @alisongaleon, Yeah. the SQL formatter changed it. I have updated. Try again
  • John Woo
    John Woo over 11 years
    this can be simply done using CASE, not by using two subqueries and joining them.
  • Shiplu Mokaddim
    Shiplu Mokaddim over 11 years
    Thanks @JW. I have added an IF version which is even shorter and appropriated.
  • Pedigree
    Pedigree over 11 years
    +1. for answering the shorter version first before the update made by the accepted answer!