Mysql query to dynamically convert rows to columns


Solution 1

You can use GROUP BY and MAX to simulate pivot. MySQL also supports IF statement.

        MAX(IF(`order` = 1, data, NULL)) data1,
        MAX(IF(`order` = 2, data, NULL)) data2
FROM    TableA

If you have multiple values of order, dynamic SQL may be more appropriate so that you will not have to modify the query:

SET @sql = NULL;
      'MAX(IF(`order` = ', `order`, ',data,NULL)) AS data', `order`)
  ) INTO @sql
FROM TableName;

SET @sql = CONCAT('SELECT  ID, ', @sql, ' 
                  FROM    TableName
                  GROUP   BY ID');

PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;


║ ID ║ DATA1 ║ DATA2 ║
║  1 ║ P     ║ S     ║
║  2 ║ R     ║ Q     ║

Solution 2

You need to use MAX and GROUP BY to simulate a PIVOT:

   MAX(CASE WHEN Order = 1 THEN data END) data1,
   MAX(CASE WHEN Order = 2 THEN data END) data2

And here is the SQL Fiddle.

Author by


Updated on August 30, 2021


  • Dom
    Dom almost 3 years

    Can MySQL convert columns into rows, dynamically adding as many columns as are needed for the rows. I think my question might be related to pivot tables but I'm unsure and I don't know how to frame this question other than by giving the following example.

    Given a two tables A and B, which look like

    Table A

    |1 |1    |P   |
    |2 |2    |Q   |
    |2 |1    |R   |
    |1 |2    |S   |

    I like to write a query that looks like the following:

    Result Table

    |1 |P    |S    |
    |2 |R    |Q    |

    Basically I want to turn each row in table B into a column in the result table. If there was a new entry was added to table B for id=1, then I want the result table to automatically extend by one column to accommodate this extra data point.

  • Dom
    Dom over 11 years
    This doesn't work as its limited to two columns and can't handle dynamically adding extra columns as the number or rows increase. Thanks for trying though
  • Dom
    Dom over 11 years
    Fantastic, second example is exactly what I asked for. Unfortunately for me there is a lot of new SQL syntax to get my head around.
  • John Woo
    John Woo over 11 years
    the one you with @ prefix are called user variables. and here,…, for learning PreparedStatements.
  • sgeddes
    sgeddes over 11 years
    @Dom -- no worries -- dynamic sql is your best bet if you don't know the maximum number of Orders. If it were 10, then just add 10 MAX statements :) -- Glad we could help nonetheless.
  • Dom
    Dom over 11 years
    I was the downvoter. I'm new to stackoverflow and I thought this was what I was supposed to do. Because I'd asked about dynamically adding columns and also included the bit about automatically extending the columns to fit new data, I thought your answer wasn't a good starting point for anyone else stuck in the same way I was. If you really feel my downvote was unnecessary, then let me know and I'll remove it.
  • sgeddes
    sgeddes over 11 years
    @Dom -- I honestly didn't read your note about dynamically adding columns before I wrote my answer -- I saw your table and your desired results. By the time I read you wanted dynamic columns, others had already answered. I generally only downvote answers that are flat out wrong -- my answer shows how to pivot a table in MySQL and could be useful to other readers for that purpose. No worries though, just trying to help out. Best of luck...
  • Dom
    Dom over 11 years
    Oh, sorry, I've tried to undo the downvote but because it was cast over three hours ago I cannot
  • Moon
    Moon almost 11 years
    The above solution is working great but my scenario is that instead of applying pivot on one Column on basis of another I also have another columns on which I want to apply pivot on basis of another column. Its like i apply two separate pivots on two columns of a table and join there result. Any Help
  • Yves Gonzaga
    Yves Gonzaga almost 7 years
    Hello I found your answer interesting but how can we implement it using mysql view. Maybe you can help this question…
  • Elena Politi
    Elena Politi about 6 years
    @reformed I tried your fiddle but it seems not working as it gives me an empty set. The solution is exactly what I am looking for, but I am not very well prepared on MYSQL and don't know if I do something wrong
  • reformed
    reformed about 6 years
    @ElenaPoliti I only edited the question; I didn't create the fiddle. Post another comment directed at @ JohnWoo and he should get a notification.
  • Elena Politi
    Elena Politi about 6 years
    @JohnWoo I tried your fiddle but it seems not working as it gives me an empty set. The solution is exactly what I am looking for, but I am not very well prepared on MYSQL and don't know if I do something wrong
  • selvakumar
    selvakumar almost 5 years
    Is it possible to join '@sql with any table @JohnWoo
  • Sergio
    Sergio about 3 years
    In my case, I needed about 45 columns, so the CONCAT was not getting all the results. This is solved by editing the global variable: group_concat_max_len (set global and set session). Lucky for me, I'll be using java, so I won't have to worry about this.