Name resolution behind a proxy


Add the VM's name to the no_proxy variable.


And this should get you fixed. Your problem is that all the browsers are sending the HTTP request to your ISA proxy.


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Andy Ruddock
Author by

Andy Ruddock

50-something software developer

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Andy Ruddock
    Andy Ruddock almost 2 years

    Using Linux (Debian)

    At my current place of employment I'm behind an ISA proxy server, I'm not in a position to make any changes on this machine.

    I'm developing software and have set up a virtual machine using kvm, almost everything works fine. The VM is on a virtual network

    In /etc/profile I have the following environment variables:


    I have the VM's name in /etc/hosts.

    From the host I can ping the VM and connect via ssh by name.

    I can't use a browser to connect to an apache server running on the VM, name resolution is passed to the ISA server and I get a failure displayed that the hostname could not be found (not surprised that corporate DNS doesn't know about my VM)..

    I get the same in all browsers, so

    elinks http://vmname

    fails, even though

    elinks -lookup vmname

    returns the correct IP address for the VM.

    However, "getent hosts vmname" returns the correct local IP for the VM.

    If I do :

    http_proxy="" elinks http://vmname

    then I can connect via http fine.

    Is there a configuration somewhere that I've missed? I've looked in /etc/nsswitch.conf & /etc/host.conf & /etc/resolv.conf

    I notice that "host vmname" returns 2(SERVFAIL) rather than 3(NXDOMAIN). Is it possible to configure this such that I can connect both to external servers & my internal VM without re-configuring the browser for each?

    • mgorven
      mgorven over 11 years
      Do you want traffic to the VM to bypass the proxy, or go through the proxy but fix the DNS issue?
    • Andy Ruddock
      Andy Ruddock over 11 years
      I want the traffic to the VM to bypass the proxy. The subnet the VM is on is in the no_proxy environment variable. Why do the browsers not get the address from /etc/hosts?
  • Andy Ruddock
    Andy Ruddock over 11 years
    > I have the VM's name in /etc/hosts
  • Diego Woitasen
    Diego Woitasen over 11 years
    When there is a proxy enabled, DNS resolution is done in the proxy not in the local machine.