Naming convention for unique constraint


Solution 1

My thinking is it isn't a key: it's a constraint.

It could be used as a key of course, and uniquely identifies a row, but it isn't the key.

An example would be that the key is "ThingID", a surrogate key used in place of ThingName the natural key. You still need to constrain ThingName: it won't be used as a key though.

I'd also use UQ and UQC (if clustered).

You could use a unique index instead and go for "IXU". By the logic employed, an index is also a key but only when unique. Otherwise it's an index. So then we'd start with IK_columnname for unique indexes and IX_columnname for non-unique indexes. Marvellous.

And the only difference between a unique constraint and a unique index is INCLUDE columns.

Edit: Feb 2013. Since SQL Server 2008, indexes can have filters too. Constraints can not

So, it comes down to one of

  • stick with UQ as per the rest of the SQL-using planet
  • use IK for unique indexes (IKC for clustered too) to be consistent...

Solution 2

My naming convention for indices and constraints:

Index/Constraint Type Naming Convention
Primary key <table-name>_PK
Unique index/constraint <table-name>_AK{xx}
Non-Unique index <table-name>_IX{xx}
Check constraint <table-name>_CK{xx}
Default constraint <table-name>_DF{xx}
Foreign key constraint <table-name>_FK{xx}

Where {xx} is a 2-digit sequence number, starting at 01 for each constraint type per table. Primary key doesn't get a sequence number since there can be only one. The 2-char alpha suffix meanings are:

Suffix Meaning
PK Primary Key
AK Alternate Key
FK Foreign Key
IX IndeX
CK ChecK
DF DeFault

I generally want to group metadata/system catalog data by the controlling object rather than by object type.

Solution 3

I use UQ. The K in UK makes me think of K as it's used in PK and FK. Well, after I think of United Kingdom anyways; ironic that this should be a prefix for UNIQUE when UK brings up so many other associations =)

Kirk Broadhurst
Author by

Kirk Broadhurst

I'm a data engineer who is passionate about learning new ways of doing things. I enjoy SQL and Python, and I particularly enjoy algorithms and solving problems. My spare time is spent with my kids. If there's anything left, it's split between motorsport, music, and learning/reading. I enjoy politics and have been known to play the odd video game.

Updated on January 05, 2022


  • Kirk Broadhurst
    Kirk Broadhurst over 2 years

    Naming conventions are important, and primary key and foreign key have commonly used and obvious conventions (PK_Table and FK_Table_ReferencedTable, respectively). The IX_Table_Column naming for indexes is also fairly standard.

    What about the UNIQUE constraint? Is there a commonly accepted naming convention for this constraint? I've seen UK_TableName_Column, UQ_TableName_Column, and someone recommending AX_TableName_Column - I don't know where that comes from.

    I've typically used UQ but I don't particularly like it, and I do not enjoy having to defend my choice of using it against a UK advocate.

    I would simply like to see if there is a consensus on the most prevalent naming, or a good reasoning as to why one makes more sense than the others.

    • Kirk Broadhurst
      Kirk Broadhurst over 13 years
      @Mitch Any reason why? I do too but I always ask myself why noone just uses U. What's the Q stand for?
    • Chris J
      Chris J over 13 years
      You could ask the same question about IX for IndeX ... why not just I?
    • Mark Cidade
      Mark Cidade over 13 years
      "UQ" is just an abbreviation of "UNIQUE". The reason for two letters is basically it's a set precedent by "PK".
    • Matt
      Matt almost 8 years
      Personally I ended up using UX_* for "Unique indeX", in homage to the default of IX for "IndeX". I particularly dislike UK_ because I'm from the United Kingdom. I could be persuaded on AK if that's what the internet likes.
    • CodingYoshi
      CodingYoshi almost 7 years
      @KirkBroadhurst I have never seen such a convention but because of the upvotes it must be common and serve the purpose well. But having a foreign key named FK_03 is not very helpful, wouldn't it be better to name it FK_TargetTable_SourceTable? Can you please elaborate.
  • Hamish Grubijan
    Hamish Grubijan about 11 years
    Would you strongly prefer "IXU" over "UIX"?
  • Alex KeySmith
    Alex KeySmith over 10 years
    AK: Alternate Key is what SQL Server Data tools 2012's design surface calls them too.
  • T.J. Crowder
    T.J. Crowder over 8 years
    @AlexKeySmith: Thank you for explaining why Microsoft uses AK for this!!
  • Alex KeySmith
    Alex KeySmith over 8 years
    No problem @T.J.Crowder :-)
  • Nicholas Carey
    Nicholas Carey over 8 years
    @T.J.Crowder, in the entity-relationship/database modelling world, it is an alternate key, because, like the primary key, the column set comprising the alternate key must be unique, thus providing [alternate] identity for the row/tuple.
  • T.J. Crowder
    T.J. Crowder over 8 years
    @NicholasCarey: No, I got it -- as soon as I saw Alex's comment, the light went on. :-)
  • Stefan Steiger
    Stefan Steiger over 7 years
  • The Impaler
    The Impaler almost 6 years
    I'm late to the party, but I always make a difference between "unique indexes" and unique constraints" those are two different things. They can show up simultaneously.
  • Nicholas Carey
    Nicholas Carey almost 6 years
    @TheImpaler: In SQL Server (topic at hand), a unique constraint creates a unique index. That's how SQL Server enforces the constraint.
  • The Impaler
    The Impaler almost 6 years
    @NicholasCarey I guess that's pretty much everywhere. However, you can have different case where you create a unique index, without creating a unique constraint.
  • Nicholas Carey
    Nicholas Carey almost 6 years
    Yes, but the fact that it is unique makes it a key: a key being a set of attributes for the table such that the table is unique for that set of attributes: that is, no two rows in the table have the same values for that set of attributes. However, strictly speaking, and if you want to be pedantic, such a set of attributes is not a key if it itself contains a proper subset of attributes, that likewise defines uniqueness (e.g., the set of attributes that make up the key can't contain extraneous attributes that don't contribute to the uniqueness.)