.NET Chart Control: How to use a LineAnnotation?


Solution 1

I believe the code above just needs a value assigned to AnchorX. The following works for me:

LineAnnotation annotation = new LineAnnotation();
annotation.IsSizeAlwaysRelative = false;
annotation.AxisX = chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX;
annotation.AxisY = chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY;
annotation.AnchorX = 5;
annotation.AnchorY = 100;
annotation.Height = 2.5;
annotation.Width = 3;
annotation.LineWidth = 2;
annotation.StartCap = LineAnchorCapStyle.None;
annotation.EndCap = LineAnchorCapStyle.None;

Solution 2

I´ve personally given up on the line annotations in the awkward chart control. Instead, the technique I use is to add another Series to represent the line. So I simply do the following:

private void Line(Point start, Point end)
    chart1.Series["line"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
    chart1.Series["line"].Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
    chart1.Series["line"].Points.AddXY(start.X, start.Y);
    chart1.Series["line"].Points.AddXY(end.X, end.Y);

This is simple to implement and has no anchor problems even when resizing the chart.

Solution 3

You should use AnchorDataPoint property. For instance:

ann.AnchorDataPoint = tc.Series[0].Points[0];

Make sure setting AnchorX and AnchorY to NaN also.

Author by


"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." Douglas Adams

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Rob
    Rob almost 2 years

    I do have a working line chart with one series. Now I want to draw a custom line on it. I want to set the start and end point of this line in chart coordinates (like the datapoints in the series) and not in pixels. As far as I can tell from what I found out so far, a LineAnnotation would probably do the job, but I couldn't figure out how to do that, up to now it never showed anything at all.

    I also tried a HorizontalLineAnnotation, this one works well and shows a horizontal line, but this is not what I need:

    double lineHeight = -35;
    HorizontalLineAnnotation ann = new HorizontalLineAnnotation();
    ann.AxisX = tc.ChartAreas[0].AxisX;
    ann.AxisY = tc.ChartAreas[0].AxisY;
    ann.IsSizeAlwaysRelative = false;
    ann.AnchorY = lineHeight;
    ann.IsInfinitive = true;
    ann.ClipToChartArea = tc.ChartAreas[0].Name;
    ann.LineColor = Color.Red; ann.LineWidth = 3;

    This code gives me this result: enter image description here

    What I want to achieve looks like this (just an example): enter image description here

    I tried this code, but I can't see how to set the coordinates properly:

    double lineHeight = -30;
    LineAnnotation ann = new LineAnnotation();
    ann.AxisX = tc.ChartAreas[0].AxisX;
    ann.AxisY = tc.ChartAreas[0].AxisY;
    ann.IsSizeAlwaysRelative = true;
    ann.AnchorY = lineHeight;
    ann.ClipToChartArea = tc.ChartAreas[0].Name;
    ann.LineColor = Color.Red; ann.LineWidth = 3;
    ann.Width = 200;
    ann.X = 2;
    ann.Y = -40;

    This code doesn't show anything. Let's say I want to draw a red line from the (data) coordinates (2,-40) to (2.8,-32) as sketched above - how can I achieve that?

    Thanks in advance!