.NET Framework 4.5.2 Setup has failed


The Sp1 matters here. The download pages says it requires the Sp1:

Supported Operating System Windows 7 Service Pack 1

You need to install the Windows 7 Sp1 first, otherwise you can't install .Net Framework 4.5.2


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • jozxyqk
    jozxyqk almost 2 years

    The .NET Framework installer crashes (or at least the following failed message pops up) before even starting to install. On a windows 7 machine without SP1 although I've read this shouldn't matter.

    I've tried running as administrator, uninstalling all .NET stuff from the control panel, using the .NET repair tool and the cleaner tool. Have tried both web and offline installer. Nothing helps.

    Is there anything else I can try? As it seems to crash before installing, maybe there's a way I can manually extract and start the install?

    enter image description here

    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:   VSSetup
      Problem Signature 01: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 Setup
      Problem Signature 02: 4.5.51209
      Problem Signature 03: 12.0.51209.34209
      Problem Signature 04: 1
      Problem Signature 05: unknown
      Problem Signature 06: None_UI_Interactive_Crash
      Problem Signature 07: 0xc0000005
      Problem Signature 08: 0
      Problem Signature 09: unknown
      OS Version:   6.1.7600.
      Locale ID:    1033
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    Have installed SP1 via windows update, but still getting the error. Slowly going through more windows updates/reboots to see if they fix it.

    Still no luck. Windows is now stuck indefinitely "checking for updates" and the .NET installer still crashes.

    • Andrew Morton
      Andrew Morton over 8 years
    • unbindall
      unbindall over 8 years
      Go to Programs and Features > "Turn Windows features on or off". Are there any Microsoft .NET entries there? If so, try enabling them.
    • magicandre1981
      magicandre1981 about 8 years
      stop WU service, install this update: support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3138612 and check again for new updates
    • magicandre1981
      magicandre1981 about 8 years
      any update on the issue? Does the newer WUCLient update fixes the hang? Can you install all updates and now .net 4.5.2?
    • magicandre1981
      magicandre1981 about 8 years
      any update on the issue?
    • jozxyqk
      jozxyqk almost 8 years
      @magicandre1981 sorry for the late response. The update you suggested worked perfectly and allowed windows update to proceed.
  • jozxyqk
    jozxyqk almost 8 years
    In my case I believe I had installed SP1 already but more windows updates were needed, although not sure which exactly. As per your comment, I had to install https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3138612 to get windows updates to work.