Net::ReadTimeout (Net::ReadTimeout) Selenium Ruby


Solution 1

Another option to use RSpec::Retry which adds a retry option for intermittently failing specs.

require 'rspec/retry'

RSpec.configure do |config|
  # show retry status in spec process
  config.verbose_retry = true
  # Try twice (retry once)
  config.default_retry_count = 2
  # Only retry when Selenium raises Net::ReadTimeout
  config.exceptions_to_retry = [Net::ReadTimeout]

Solution 2

The default timeout is 60 seconds. One thing to try is to adjust the internal timeout to see if that fixes it:

Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app|
  profile =
  client =
  client.timeout = 120 # instead of the default 60, browser: :firefox, profile: profile, http_client: client)
Author by


Just getting involved in the world of automation testing. Been dropped in at the deep and have to learn on the job, no training so expect a lot of questions from me, mostly probably tivial!

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Tom
    Tom almost 2 years

    I've seen a few posts related to timeout errors within Selenium. This is becoming more and more unbearable as it's rendering my test pack unusable. I'm testing a webpage currently in development.

    I have a regression suite of around 300 test scenarios which has always worked until the latest update to firefox and selenium webdriver. Now for almost every other test i'm getting:

    Net::ReadTimeout (Net::ReadTimeout) errors.

    This can't be coincidence. Would anyone know of what could be causing the sudden timeout problems? I've tried going back to previous versions of webdriver and firefox.

  • randallreedjr
    randallreedjr over 8 years
    Just added rspec-retry gem for pesky Net::ReadTimeout errors on Codeship and it did the trick!