Netcat "Connection refused" on localhost


Well, it was a permission problem after all... fixed editing /etc/sudoers with visudo to add:

www-data ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/nc

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I love jQuery but... STOP USING IT FOR EVERYTHING. Every time you solve something using jQuery instead of thinking a little bit and use CSS to archive the same result a kitten dies. (STOP USING BOOTSTRAP TOO).

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • coma
    coma over 1 year

    I am trying to get a value from a netcat connection started at a php file, but it dies with:

    localhost [] 2000 (?) : Connection refused

    I don't know why, but it works well if I ssh it as apache user (www-data). This is what I've done:

    1. Start an endless loop serving a date with a little delay:

      $ (while true; do nc -l -p 2000 -c "sleep 5; date"; done)&
    2. Check if is working:

      $ su www-data
      $ nc localhost 2000
      Fri Oct 16 21:33:20 COT 2009
    3. Create /var/www/test.php as follows:

      exec('nc localhost 2000>>/var/www/dates.txt 2>>/var/www/errors.txt &');
    4. Run it on a browser:
    5. Finally take a look at both txt's, dates is empty (nothing like the response in #2) and errors has the "Connection refused" error.

    The server is a LAMP cluster running Ubuntu Server 9.04 with DRBD and Heartbeat.

    What is driving me crazy is that this test.php works well in my laptop (LAMP on Ubuntu Desktop 9.04) and the server seems to have the ports already open and listening:

    $ netstat -ntpl
    Active Internet connections (only servers)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      2326/openhpid   
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      3364/mysqld     
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      9510/nc         
    tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      3470/apache2    
    tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      2320/sshd       
    tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      2354/apcupsd    
    tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      2320/sshd

    This is what I really want to archive: diagram (I don't have enogh points to insert images yet, lol)

    • send the weight value from the truck scale to the server when the server requests it
    • send raw text (epson escaped text format) to the printer's serial port

    So in the client pc are constantly running two listening netcat connections, one for getting the weight and the other to print raw text.

  • coma
    coma over 14 years
    the local interface is up, in fact, "nc localhost 2000" and "nc" work in the console but they give me the error when runned in a php file with "exec" or "shell_exec".
  • coma
    coma over 14 years
    I'm going to give it the space between them but that works fine in the console, the problem is making that work from a php. If you know a better way to archive this please tell me!!!
  • Dan Carley
    Dan Carley over 14 years
    Could you explain the purpose of what you're doing?
  • coma
    coma over 14 years
    Of course!, let me edit the question to clarify the purpose of this.
  • Bort
    Bort over 11 years
    This is horribly insecure. You just allowed anyone who breaks into your web application to listen on any port and worse yet run any application AS ROOT.
  • coma
    coma over 11 years
    Well, this was for an intranet app (in the middle of the colombian jungle btw, running by ethernet cables between only two pc's without internet) that we drop about one year ago, in fact this is from 2009 and we are in 2013, so thanks for the downvote dude.
  • Bort
    Bort over 11 years
    None of that was in the question. The rest of the users reading this might try the same tactic and fall victim because they aren't in the middle of a jungle.