NewtonSoft JArray - how to select multiple elements with LINQ


Try this way :

var titleBodytext = from p in v
                    select new 
                             Title = (string)p["Title"],
                             Text = (string)p["BodyText"]

Or if you're sure v always contain only one element :

var titleBodytext = new 
                        Title = (string)v[0]["Title"], 
                        Text = (string)v[0]["BodyText"] 

BTW, your current code doesn't seems to do what you think. It has p in v in the from clause, but always select v[0] regardless of current p being the context. Anyway, this doesn't show wrong behavior in the case where v only contain one element.

nick gowdy
Author by

nick gowdy

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • nick gowdy
    nick gowdy almost 2 years

    I have some JSON which I then parse to JArray object. I want to filter the JArray so it then has only two properties, Title and BodyText. But whatever I try I can only select one value using LINQ.

    public JsonResult AjaxGetNewsItems()
        string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(news.GetNewsItems(), formatting:Formatting.Indented);
        var v = JArray.Parse(json);
        //var items =
        //    v.Where(
        //        x =>
        //            x["Title"].ToString() != string.Empty &&
        //            x["BodyText"].ToString() != string.Empty)
        //        .Select(x => x["Title"])
        //        .ToList();
        var title = (string) v[0]["Title"];
        var titleBodytext = from p in v
        select v[0]["Title"]["BodyText"];
        foreach (var item in titleBodytext)
        //var titleBodytext =
        //    from c in v[0]["Title"]["BodyText"]
        //    group c by c
        //    into g
        //    select new {  };
        //JArray a = JArray.FromObject(news.GetNewsItems());
        //string titleBodytext = (string) newsItems["Title"]["Bodytext"];
        return new JsonResult()
            Data = json,
            JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet,
            MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue

    I want to change this code:

    var titleBodytext = from p in v
                        select v[0]["Title"]["BodyText"];

    Title and BodyText are two keys values in my JArray.

    enter image description here

    See screenshot of JArray object. In element 0 there are key value elements.

  • nick gowdy
    nick gowdy over 9 years
    Thanks your code works. I'm not quite sure what I was doing wrong. I didn't need the index maybe? I've used LINQ often and it's never been this troublesome.
  • har07
    har07 over 9 years
    @nickgowdy yes, you didn't need the index and more importantly you need to operate on p instead of v in the select clause..
  • nick gowdy
    nick gowdy over 9 years
    @hara07 Ok I see why it wasn't working. Thanks for your help.