nginx (13: Permission denied) on socket


After a few hours of pain I found a solution to this exact issue.

The problems are two: 1) the folder's permissions 2) the virtual environment

The virtual environment messes with your permissions and prevents uwsgi from creating the socket correctly - just deactivate the venv and pip install django and uwsgi system wide. There may be a way to solve this within the venv, but I don't know of any.

Then, set your django project folder's permissions to 777 (or change its owner to root).

cd into the folder and run the wsgi command as root:

sudo uwsgi --socket mysite.sock --module mysite.wsgi --chmod-socket=664 --uid www-data --gid www-data

this creates mysite.sock with owner www-data and I no longer get the permission denied error.

I hope this helps.

-edit- after some more investigation, I followed this tutorial and got it working as a systemd service without any of these issues - I guess the official tutorial takes some things for granted.


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Just your average uni-student who clings to his hope of some day becoming a software developer. ATM my skills with different languages and algorithms are on an average level, but as time passes my awesomeness increases! You shouldn't take life too seriously: You'll never get out alive. -Van Wilder

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • DoTheGenes
    DoTheGenes almost 2 years

    I'm trying to set up a Django app using uwsgi and nginx, but I keep butting my head against a very irritating problem.
    I've used the uwsgi docs as a reference guide.

    When serving the app through uwsgi (uwsgi --http :8000 --module myproject.wsgi) everything works fine, but when I try to connect through a socket with nginx (uwsgi --ini myproject.ini) and open<django-app> in my browser I get a 502 error and

    2018/02/07 08:25:26 [crit] 30339#30339: *1 connect() to unix:///var/www/[myproject]/[myproject].sock failed (13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream, client: [client-ip], server: [server-ip], request: "GET /[django-app]/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "unix:///var/www/[myproject]/[myproject].sock:", host: "[fqdn]:8000"

    this ^ in /var/log/nginx/error.log

    My project folder is under /var/www/, owned by <me>:www-data, and with 764 as permissions. Every subfolder and file is (currently) under this ownership and these permissions.

    I'm running everything on a Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machine (managed by my admin), and my user has sudo access.

    Am I missing something obvious?

    For the moment, everything is working when other has read-write permissions on the socket, and read-execute permissions on the rest of the project.
    So nginx is not recognized as it should... I've double-checked, and nginx is running as the www-data user, which is the group-owner of my entire project, and which has read-execute permissions, just as other now has.

    (In addition to the settings in this file, I've put user www-data www-data; in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.)

    # myproject_nginx.conf
    # the upstream component nginx needs to connect to
    upstream django {
        server unix:///var/www/myproject/myproject.sock;
    # configuration of the server
    server {
        # the port your site will be served on
        listen      8000;
        # the domain name it will serve for
        server_name; # substitute your machine's IP address or FQDN
        charset     utf-8;
        # max upload size
        client_max_body_size 75M;   # adjust to taste
        # Django media
        location /media  {
            alias /var/www/myproject/media;  # your Django project's media files - amend as required
        location /static {
            alias /var/www/myproject/static; # your Django project's static files - amend as required
        # Finally, send all non-media requests to the Django server.
        location / {
            uwsgi_pass  django;
            include     /var/www/myproject/uwsgi_params; # the uwsgi_params file you installed


    # myproject_uwsgi.ini file
    # Django-related settings
    # the base directory (full path)
    chdir          = /var/www/myproject
    # Django's wsgi file
    module         = myproject.wsgi
    # the virtualenv (full path)
    home           = /var/www/myenv
    # process-related settings
    master         = true
    # maximum number of worker processes
    processes      = 10
    # the socket (full path)
    socket         = /var/www/myproject/myproject.sock
    # ... with appropriate permissions - may be needed
    chmod-socket   = 666
    uid            = me
    gid            = www-data
    # clear environment on exit
    vacuum         = true
  • nicorellius
    nicorellius over 3 years
    The socket file is created and destroyed each time you run uwsgi so changing perms manually is not a sustainable solution.