ngRepeat Filter by deep property


Solution 1

You need to pass in the argument to filter by:

<input ng-model="filter.key">
  <li ng-repeat="e in list | filter: {Manager: {Name: filter.key}}">
    {{e.Name}}  (Manager: {{e.Manager.Name}})

Example on Plunker

Solution 2

If you are filtering multiple properties then the syntax would be similar to below.

  <li ng-repeat="item in list | {filter: top_object_property_name: value, top_object_property_with_nested_objects_name: {nested_object_property_name: value}}">


        var employees = [name: 'John', roles: [{roleName: 'Manager'},{roleName: 'Supervisor'}]];

        <li ng-repeat="staff in employees | {filter: name: 'John', roles: {roleName: 'Manager'}}">

Solution 3

In latest version of angularjs nested obj filter implemented by default.can use filter normally. It for angular 1 only

Solution 4

To filter with multiple deep property we need to create custom filter. What i mean we need to create our own function to filter the data in object and return the required object(filtered object).

For example i need to filter data from below object -

      "documenttitle":"test 1",

In HTML we use ng-repeat to show document list -

   //search input textbox
   <input ng-model="searchDocument" placeholder="Search">
<div ng-repeat="document in documentList | filter: filteredDocument">
   //our html code 

In Controller we write filter function to return filtered object by using two properties of object which are "documenttitle" and "documentdescription", code example is as below -

function filterDocuments(document)
                     if(document.documentTitle.toLowerCase().indexOf($scope.searchDocument.toLowerCase()) !== -1 || document.document.shortDescription.toLowerCase().indexOf($scope.searchDocument.toLowerCase()) !== -1)
                    //returns filtered object
                    return document
            }else {
               return document;

Where $scope.searchDocument is the scope variable which binded to the search textbox (HTML input tag) in which user can input the text to search.

Author by


I am a C# &amp; JavaScript developer currently working heavily in Angular.

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • ExceptionLimeCat
    ExceptionLimeCat almost 2 years

    If I have a complex object with objects as property values, how can I filter by one of the nested properties?

    Can this be done with the OOB ng-repeat filter?


      Name: 'John Smith',
      Manager: {
         id: 123,
         Name: 'Bill Lumburg'


    <li ng-repeat="e in emps | filter:Manager.Name">{{ e.Name }}</li>