NIC bonding over bridged GRE-TAP: not getting replies... unless I run "tcpdump"?


Does it work without the bonding piece? I suspect the issue is that the LACP messages aren't getting across the bridge until you put it in promiscuous mode.

If you're using a 3.5 or higher kernel, it might also help to enable transmission of IGMP queries for the bridge interface. This could help the bridge subscribe to the LACP multicast group.

echo -n 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/net/vpn_br/bridge/multicast_querier

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • firmo23
    firmo23 over 1 year

    I have the shiny app below in which I pass the values of a list with characters inside a selectImput() but while all those values seem to be selected (and they should be) by checking their count in the third column the selectize inputs seem to be empty. I think that for this issue is responsible the list words I created.

    selector <- function(id, values, items = values){
      options <- HTML(paste0(mapply(
        function(value, item){
          as.character(tags$option(value = value, item))
        }, c("", values), c("", items)
      ), collapse = ""))
          id = id, class = "form-control", multiple = "multiple", options
    d<-data.frame(name,item,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    words<-tapply(d$item, d$name, I)
    nrows <- length(words)
    js <- c(
      "function(settings) {",
      sprintf("var nrows = %d;", nrows),
      sprintf("var words = %s;", toJSON(words)),
      "  var table = this.api().table();",
      "  function selectize(i) {",
      "    $('#slct' + i).selectize({",
      "      items: words[i-1],",
      "      onChange: function(value) {",
      "        table.cell(i-1, 2).data(value.length);",
      "      }",
      "    });",
      "  }",
      "  for(var i = 1; i <= nrows; i++) {",
      "    selectize(i);",
      "    Shiny.setInputValue('slct' + i, words[i-1]);",
      "  }",
    ui <- fluidPage(
      div( # this is a hidden selectize input whose role is to make
        # available 'selectize.js'
        style = "display: none;",
        selectInput("id", "label", c("x", "y"))
    server <- function(input, output, session) {
      output[["table"]] <- renderDT({
        dat <- data.frame(
          FOO = c(unique(d$name)),
          Words = vapply(
              selector(paste0("slct", i), words[[i]])
          Count = lengths(words),
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE
          data = dat,
          selection = "none",
          escape = FALSE,
          rownames = FALSE,
          options = list(
            initComplete = JS(js),
            preDrawCallback = JS(
              'function() { Shiny.unbindAll(this.api().table().node()); }'
            drawCallback = JS(
              'function() { Shiny.bindAll(this.api().table().node()); }'
      }, server = FALSE)
    shinyApp(ui, server)
  • Udo G
    Udo G over 9 years
    Yes, as described, the bridge itself (without bonding) works. Indeed, activating promiscous mode helps (see 'Update' section). This is a 2.6.32 kernel, which might be the reason there is no /sys/devices/virtual/net/vpn_br/ directory (only lo and venet0 in there).
  • firmo23
    firmo23 over 3 years
    thanks the inputs in selectize in second column still seem to be empty when the app is launched for 1st time
  • firmo23
    firmo23 over 3 years
    in which part of the code is set that all the values should be selected and displayed by default inside the selectInput()?
  • Stéphane Laurent
    Stéphane Laurent over 3 years
    @firmo23 Sorry, the problem was not the factors but the names ; see my edit. Regarding your question, this is the items option in selectize (in the JS code).