No match for a database image file was found based on the source database alias "URCDB"


I found the solution; It was a lot simpler than I thought, but at the same time, more complex and demanding than any database restoration I've encountered (so far).

I Right-clicked at the Database URCDB, clicked the Restore, and set the Method For Selecting A Back-up Image to Manual.

Then, in the resulting field, I checked Backup Image Is From Another Database, and put in "URCTEST" in the text field. Also, I've added a back-up location, and set it to C:\, where my back-up resides (I don't actually get to select the .001 file itself, just the directory).

By far, the most tedious and important thing I've done was set the date and time to the appropriate values - namely, the date and time I've done the back-up. By default (I think), when creating a back-up image, it uses the date and time as part of the name of the resulting .001 file.

I was lucky I decided NOT to rename the file.

After that, I just clicked Run and everything went smoothly, though slowly.

I'm using IBM Data Studio 3.2, and IBM DB2 10.1, on a Windows 7 32-bit System.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • lmarcelocc
    lmarcelocc almost 2 years

    I'm trying to use ng2-dragula to accomplish something like this (please ignore the design, I just trying to find a solution for the functionality):

    categories with sub categories

    I need to sort, both parent categories and sub categories. But I'm having some issues trying to make it both work, since I need to have the sub category within the parent category, otherwise I will get an undesired dragula behavior:

      *ngFor="let category of categories"
        id="{{ }}">
        #{{}} :: {{ }}
          <ul *ngIf="category.subCategories.length > 0"
              *ngFor="let subCategory of category.subCategories"
              id="{{ }}">
                #{{}} :: {{ }}

    Here's a demo of what I've right now:

    Anyone is able to help?

    Thank you in advance!