No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain


Solution 1

I resolved that changing plataform build configuration from iPhone to iPhoneSimulator.

enter image description here

Solution 2

got it work in the end by remving all the certificates and then putting them back in the Key chain

Solution 3

I get this error when I open Xamarin University Exercises with Visual Studio 2015. A bug was entered and they decided that it is expected behavior. Xamarin Bug

If you work in Xamarin Studio and set this property for whatever reason, then open it in VS, you may hit this issue with no way to edit / remove the Entitlement setting in the Project Properties.

I guess the Exercises are created with Xamarin Studio.

The accepted workaround is to open the iOS .csproj and manually edit the <CodesignEntitlements></CodesignEntitlements> for the Debug|iPhone PropertyGroup.

Bug workaround enter image description here

Solution 4

Sometimes that happens when you newly start your computer and Visual Studio. Just don't hit green triangle debug Combobox-button and check what is selected in this combobox. If it is "Device" as in picture 1 select a simulator from the list as in picture 2 and start debugging. Else you get this error since VS will try to start debugging in a real device if "Device" selected in the combobox.

picture 1 picture 2

Solution 5

I struggled too for the last day to make Xamarin (now Visual Studio for Mac) successfully deploy on my device with the free developer signing (since I'm new in this area and I'm not ready yet to join the developer program yet), and what helped was to first deploy a dummy app with the same bundle identifier from XCode like others suggested on different sources, keep CodesignEntitlements as it is in the .csproj file, but replace CodesignKey's value iPhone Developer like in the answer here:

Hope this will help somebody in the future like it helped me!

Author by


Updated on February 06, 2020


  • amun1000
    amun1000 over 4 years

    I can Archive and Publish an app in debug mode, but when switched to App Mode i get the following error:

    /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets: Error: No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain. You need to request a codesigning certificate from

    the attached file shows i do have the relevant Certificates but Xamarin keeps complaining

    The app has been successfully published before but using a different profile on the same mac. Both users key chains contain the same certificates

    enter image description here

    enter image description here