Node.js build system in Sublime Text 2


Solution 1

    "cmd": ["node","$file"]

works perfectly for me in windows and it shows the output in the sublime window. Although I dont know how to stop the server after from sublime, I have to search and kill the node process.

Also, check node is in your PATH ;)

Hope it works for you.

Solution 2

Mac users, type which node in terminal. It outputs the path of the node executable, which in most cases is /usr/local/bin/node. Now create a new build system (Tools > Build System > New Build System) with the following settings in Sublime Text.

  "cmd": ["/usr/local/bin/node", "$file"],   
  "selector": "source.js"   

Solution 3

Tested on Ubuntu Linux. Use a file selector as below:

  "cmd": ["node", "$file"],
  "selector": "*.js"

Solution 4

Here is a tip for Windows,

Most of the answers from this thread is correct but none is complete and at least no answer tells about how to kill existing Node process even if you are able to run node in sublime. So eventually if either of above approach worked for you, You will end up manually killing Node always.

Here is What I have done for 'Windows':

  1. Open Sublime Text, Goto "Tools" -> "Build System" -> "New Build System"
  2. Above will open a new file, paste below content there, and save it as ( use default extension): { "cmd": ["c:/test.bat","$file"] }
  3. Create a file ( c:/test.bat ) and paste this content (both of 2 lines) there:

taskkill /F /IM "node.exe" "c:/Program Files/nodejs/node.exe" %1

  1. Save it, Switch to Sublime Text and select "Tools" -> "Build System" -> "nodejs"
  2. open any Nodejs Exectuable file and Hit CTRL+B.
  3. You're good to go. :)

Enjoy noding.

Solution 5

The method #2 of the link below solved for me:

Author by



Updated on August 04, 2022


  • typeduke
    typeduke almost 2 years

    I justed started learning JavaScript. While doing that, I got tired of embedding my JavaScript code into an HTML document in order to run it in the browser. I thought it would be nice to just run my scripts right in Sublime's console, so I wouldn't have to leave the editor. Therefore I was trying to create a JavaScript build system, since Sublime doesn't come with one.

    My idea was to use Node.js as the JavaScript interpreter. I installed it with the package manager of Linux Mint. As far as I can say it works just fine. Let's say I have a file test.js containing the following line of JavaScript code:

    console.log("Hello World");

    When I run

    nodejs /path/to/test.js
    in my console, I get:
    Hello World
    However, I don't get this to work with Sublime. I created a new Build system by clicking Tools / Build System / New Build System. I then typed in the following lines:
        "cmd": ["nodejs", "$file"]
    As far as I know, this one line is the JSON representation of the following command:
    nodejs /path/to/current/file.ext
    Like I said, if I run this manually in the console, it works just fine. If I press F7 in Sublime, which is the shortcut for Build, Sublime's console shows up. It's empty though.

    There's another weird thing. Even though the (non-existing) output of Sublime's console indicates that the build system isn't configured to correctly work with Node.js, I got some Node.js errors displayed when I accidentally tried to run non-JS files such as the Node.sublime-build file. This is the output displayed in Sublime's console:

        "cmd": ["nodejs", "$file"]

    module.js:434 var compiledWrapper = runInThisContext(wrapper, filename, true); ^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token : at Module._compile (module.js:434:25) at Object..js (module.js:464:10) at Module.load (module.js:353:32) at Function._load (module.js:311:12) at Array.0 (module.js:484:10) at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:190:39) [Finished in 0.1s with exit code 1]

    So why do I not get any output when executing actual JavaScript code? Thank you in advance!