Node.js hashing of passwords


Solution 1

I use the follwing code to salt and hash passwords.

var bcrypt = require('bcrypt');

exports.cryptPassword = function(password, callback) {
   bcrypt.genSalt(10, function(err, salt) {
    if (err) 
      return callback(err);

    bcrypt.hash(password, salt, function(err, hash) {
      return callback(err, hash);

exports.comparePassword = function(plainPass, hashword, callback) {, hashword, function(err, isPasswordMatch) {   
       return err == null ?
           callback(null, isPasswordMatch) :

Solution 2

bcrypt also can be called synchronously. Sample Coffeescript:

bcrypt = require('bcrypt')

encryptionUtil = 
    encryptPassword: (password, salt) ->
        salt ?= bcrypt.genSaltSync()
        encryptedPassword = bcrypt.hashSync(password, salt)
        {salt, encryptedPassword}

    comparePassword: (password, salt, encryptedPasswordToCompareTo) ->
        {encryptedPassword} = @encryptPassword(password, salt)
        encryptedPassword == encryptedPasswordToCompareTo

module.exports = encryptionUtil

Solution 3

bcrypt with typescript

npm i bcrypt
npm i -D @types/bcrypt
 import * as bcrypt from 'bcrypt';

export const Encrypt = {

    cryptPassword: (password: string) =>
        .then((salt => bcrypt.hash(password, salt)))
        .then(hash => hash),
        comparePassword: (password: string, hashPassword: string) =>
  , hashPassword)
            .then(resp => resp)

Exemple: Encrypt

const myEncryptPassword = await Encrypt.cryptPassword(password);

Exemple: Compare

const myBoolean = await Encrypt.comparePassword(password, passwordHash);

Solution 4

Also there is bcrypt-nodejs module for node.

Previously I used already mentioned here bcrypt module, but fall into problems on win7 x64. On the other hand bcrypt-nodejs is pure JS implementation of bcrypt and does not have any dependencies at all.

Solution 5

You can use the bcrypt-js package for encrypting the password.

  1. Try npm i bcryptjs
  2. var bcrypt = require('bcryptjs') in top.
  3. To hash a password:
bcrypt.genSalt(10, function(err, salt) {
    bcrypt.hash("B4c0/\/", salt, function(err, hash) {
        // Store hash in your password DB.
  1. To check your password,
// Load hash from your password DB."B4c0/\/", hash, function(err, res) {
    // res === true

You can visit for more information on bcryptjs.

Author by


PHP, JavaScript, Node.js, Expressjs, Socket.IO, MySQL, CSS, Inkscape, GIMP, Java, Stripe, Laravel, Vuejs, GraphQL and AWS.

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • alditis
    alditis almost 2 years

    I am currently using the following for hashing passwords:

    var pass_shasum = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(req.body.password).digest('hex');

    Could you please suggest improvements to make the project safer?

  • brielov
    brielov over 10 years
    Don't use else after return, it just dont make sense. Cheers!
  • Tadej
    Tadej about 7 years
    Could you add a link to the bcrypt library which you are using (github if possible)? Thanks.
  • balazs
    balazs about 7 years
    @Tadej it was so long ago, but I suppose it's:
  • Tadej
    Tadej about 7 years
    Thanks. I didn't even check the date. Sorry. :/
  • Stephan Ahlf
    Stephan Ahlf over 6 years
    Would be nice but this is not maintained anymore.
  • Gagan
    Gagan over 3 years
    There are two modules bcrypt and bcryptjs for this purpose, If someone can tell more about these two that would be nice.