nodejs - error self signed certificate in certificate chain


Solution 1

Option 1: Disable the warning (useful for dev)

From your question I'm guessing you are doing this in development as you are using a self signed certificate for SSL communication.

If that's the case, add as an environment variable wherever you are running node

node app.js

or running node directly with


This instructs Node to allow untrusted certificates (untrusted = not verified by a certificate authority)

If you don't want to set an environment variable or need to do this for multiple applications npm has a strict-ssl config you set to false

npm config set strict-ssl=false

Option 2: Load in CA cert, like postman (useful for testing with TLS)

If you have a CA cert already like the poster @kDoyle mentioned then you can configure in each request (thanks @nic ferrier).

 let opts = {
    method: 'GET',
    hostname: "localhost",
    port: listener.address().port,
    path: '/',
    ca: fs.readFileSync("cacert.pem")

  https.request(opts, (response) => { }).end();

Option 3: Use a proper SSL Cert from a trusted source (useful for production) is free, easy to set up and the keys can be automatically rotated.

Solution 2

You can fix this issue using NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 in the terminal or inserting the following line within the JS file.


Beware that this a hack and it should not be used in production.

If you are using windows then run the following command in the command prompt:


After that, npm install <my-package> will work.

Solution 3

You can write command npm config set strict-ssl false

Solution 4

for Nodemailer:


tls: {
  rejectUnauthorized: false

solved my problem.

Overall code looks liek this:

    host: process.env.MAIL_SERVER,
    secure: false,
    port: 587,
    auth: {
      user: process.env.MAIL_USERNAME,
      pass: process.env.MAIL_PASSWORD
    tls: {
      rejectUnauthorized: false

Solution 5

you just add at the start of your code this line:


And everything solved, but in any case it is not recommendable, I am investigating the solution of

Author by


Updated on November 19, 2021


  • kDoyle
    kDoyle over 2 years

    I am facing a problem with client side https requests.

    A snippet can look like this:

    var fs = require('fs');
    var https = require('https');
    var options = {
        hostname: '',
        port: 443,
        path: '/path',
        method: 'GET',
        key: fs.readFileSync('key.key'),
        cert: fs.readFileSync('certificate.crt')
    var requestGet = https.request(options, function(res){
        console.log('resObj', res);

    What I get is Error: self signed certificate in certificate chain.

    When I use Postman I can import the client certificate and key and use it without any problem. Is there any solution available?? I would also like to be given some lights on how postman handles the certificates and works.

  • kDoyle
    kDoyle almost 7 years
    If I understand you correctly, setting that env_var in server will only disable the process of verification, which is something I don't want to do. I need to only do what postman does i.e. to import somehow the certificate.
  • Peter Grainger
    Peter Grainger almost 7 years
    is the value you gave here: cert: fs.readFileSync('certificate.crt') the absolute location of the cert?
  • Peter Grainger
    Peter Grainger almost 7 years
    Also two things you have to think about, the CN needs to be the same as the domain you are trying to use and 2 that your openssl package needs to be 1.0.2+ or you could just use a free CA
  • kDoyle
    kDoyle almost 7 years
    It seems that I misunderstood the rejection. It was meant to be done in client side and everything works like charm. Thank you and I accept the answer.
  • Anthony Roberts
    Anthony Roberts over 5 years
    I can't believe I finally found something to stop this error. I f'ing tried everything. worked on Jan.31.19,
  • Howdy
    Howdy almost 5 years
    I am getting this error on npm install @angular/fire firebase --save. Is it possible to update the answer to fix all node npm related issues?
  • Peter Grainger
    Peter Grainger over 4 years
    @llaaalu do you mean change the wording of the answer so others who are using something other than node can find it useful?
  • armyofda12mnkeys
    armyofda12mnkeys over 4 years
    Which is better: above NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 env variable or below "npm config set strict-ssl=false" solution. Just curious whats more kosher.
  • Peter Grainger
    Peter Grainger over 4 years
    @armyofda12mnkeys I think it depends on your setup. It's easier to add the Environment variable to the source code either as a developer only npm script or when running a docker container so others using your project don't run into the same issue. Setting the npm config is probably better if you aren't in a team or just coding for fun as then you don't need to keep setting it everywhere, you only have to do it once
  • GGEv
    GGEv over 4 years
    it didn't work for me but the spirit is the same, I posted my answer below
  • Badri Paudel
    Badri Paudel almost 4 years
    It works, but I think its a temporary solution only for our app up and running . It gives the following warning Warning: Setting the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED environment variable to '0' makes TLS connections and HTTPS requests insecure by disabling certificate verification.
  • TheRealFakeNews
    TheRealFakeNews over 3 years
    Should be process.env['NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED'] = '0';
  • RushPL
    RushPL over 3 years
    What was the thing that your IT had to disable?
  • Wadi Diaz-wong
    Wadi Diaz-wong over 3 years
    This worked (number), didn't do the string version, I am running node.js on windows.
  • Nesho Neshev
    Nesho Neshev about 3 years
    @PeterGrainger, since this is the most up voted answer now, would you please add at the end that for self-signed certs in production, it is best to use the ca options property - the way Nic answered it below? I believe this is closer to the Postman workaround mentioned in the question.
  • Asif K
    Asif K over 2 years
    thanks. option 1 worked for me. npm config set strict-ssl=false
  • imvanzen
    imvanzen over 2 years
    This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks
  • st.huber
    st.huber over 2 years
    This is the best option and does not compromise on security!
  • Kishore
    Kishore over 2 years
    both works, First one (number) worked for me. (centos)
  • Salim Shamim
    Salim Shamim over 2 years
    I am getting error while using SelfSigned cert for ftp on windows and using ftp npm module. Is the solution different for it ?
    WISERDIVISOR over 2 years