nodejs how to get JSON instead of Buffer from aws s3 bucket


Solution 1

You need to do data.Body.toString('utf-8') to get the proper json (string version) from buffer.

Solution 2

I don't have the reputation to add comment for @Ashish Modi's answer. The data.Body.toString('utf-8') will convert it to plain string not to json object.
If you want to have the json object you can convert the string to json object by JSON.parse(obj.Body.toString('utf-8'))

Author by


Updated on July 12, 2022


  • aw123
    aw123 almost 2 years

    I have a .json file stored in a S3 Bucket, now i Want to download the json File with nodejs. I wrote following Code:

    const bucket = "s3bucketname";
    const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
    const S3= new AWS.S3();
    exports.handler = async (event, context, callback) => {
        var transcript = await download();
    async function download(){
      try {
        // Converted it to async/await syntax just to simplify.
        const data = await S3.getObject(
        {   Bucket: bucket, 
            Key: "Test.json",
            //ResponseContentType: 'application/json'
        return {
          statusCode: 200,
          body: JSON.stringify(data)
      catch (err) {
        return {
          statusCode: err.statusCode || 400,
          body: err.message || JSON.stringify(err.message)

    My Response is like this: AcceptRanges: 'bytes', LastModified: 2020-02-07T08:04:25.000Z, ContentLength: 12723, ETag: '"ea7de645f93c45b3jkj4e7ffjdsf"', ContentType: 'application/octet-stream', Metadata: {}, Body: Buffer 7b 0d ...

    In the body i get a Buffer from my JSON, if I convert it via tools like:

    I get my JSON string like i want it. How can i do that in Javascript/nodejs ? I don't need the Buffer, I need the JSON in String. I tried different ways, but it didnt work yet.

  • aw123
    aw123 about 4 years
    if i change body: JSON.stringify(data.toString()), I get body: ' " [object Object]" ' how can i access to the string version of the json ?
  • perustaja
    perustaja almost 3 years
    Confirming this works for me too, this will also parse if you are returning an array of json objects from a json file if that makes sense, it will parse it in as an array.
  • OhadR
    OhadR about 2 years
    now u do have the reputation :-) cheers!