Nodejs POST request multipart/form-data


Solution 1

After some more research, I decided to use the restler module. It makes the multipart upload really easy.

fs.stat("image.jpg", function(err, stats) {"", {
        multipart: true,
        data: {
            "folder_id": "0",
            "filename": restler.file("image.jpg", null, stats.size, null, "image/jpg")
    }).on("complete", function(data) {

Solution 2

So I just got done wrestling with this myself and here is what I learned:

It turns out that neither request or form-data are setting the content-length header for the generated body stream.

Here is the reported issue:

The solution posted by @lildemon gets around this by:

  1. Generating the FormData object
  2. Getting it's length
  3. Making the request and setting the form object and content-length header explicitly

Here is a modified version of your example:

var request = require('request');
var FormData = require('form-data');

var form = new FormData();
form.append("folder_id", "0");
form.append("filename", fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, "image.png")));

form.getLength(function(err, length){
  if (err) {
    return requestCallback(err);

  var r ="", requestCallback);
  r._form = form;     
  r.setHeader('content-length', length);


function requestCallback(err, res, body) {

Solution 3

I have working code that does exactly what your question states, with one exception. My file content is appended this way:

form.append('file', new Buffer(...),
    {contentType: 'image/jpeg', filename: 'x.jpg'});

To discover the final options argument I had to drill down into the source of form-data. But this gives me a working configuration. (Maybe it was what you were missing, but of course that will depend on the server.)

Solution 4

I tried also request and form-data modules and was unable to upload a file. You can use superagent which works:

var request = require('superagent');
var agent1 = request.agent();'url/fileUpload')
      .attach('file',__dirname + "/test.png")
      .end(function(err, res) {
          if (err) {
Author by


I am a 18 year old with many interests including computer programming, web developing, robotics and AI(artificial intelligent) and quantum computing. I program in, python, php, javascript and HTML. My favorite quote. "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." - Rick Cook

Updated on July 24, 2020


  • giodamelio
    giodamelio almost 4 years

    I am trying to upload a photo via a POST request with the request module

    According to the readme I should just be able to do this

    var r ="", requestCallback)
    var form = r.form()
    form.append("folder_id", "0");
    form.append("filename", fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, "image.png")));
    function requestCallback(err, res, body) {

    The problem is, this doesn't work. I get a reply from the test server saying it dumped 0 post variables.

    I have confirmed that the server is in working condition with this little html page

            <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                File: <input type="file" name="submitted">
                <input type="hidden" name="someParam" value="someValue"/>
                <input type="submit" value="send">

    So the question is, what am I doing wrong with the request module? Is there a better way to send multipart/form-data with node?

  • webjockey
    webjockey over 11 years
    Make sure the following statement at import section var fs = require('fs');
  • Adam Mendoza
    Adam Mendoza over 9 years
    Getting the file size: var fs = require('fs'); var fileStats = fs.statSync('/myFile.jpg'); var fileSizeInBytes = fileStats["size"]; console.log(fileStats); console.log(fileSizeInBytes);
  • M4ver1k
    M4ver1k over 8 years
    does this answer the question ?
  • Jothi Sankar N Kanakavel
    Jothi Sankar N Kanakavel over 7 years
    This is really helped me. After long hours of search i just got this. Thanks.
  • Admin
    Admin about 7 years
    I am getting error if file size is more than 2 mb. what should I modify in code ?
  • Alexander Swann
    Alexander Swann over 6 years
    When posting this to another service's url, the readStream property disappears from the payload and no events on the request are detected on the receiving end. Any ideas why?
  • Nate Bunney
    Nate Bunney about 6 years
    Many PHP servers have an upload limit of 2mb. Can you upload a larger file directly using the form? If not then it is a server limitation that your code can not overcome.
  • nagylzs
    nagylzs about 6 years
    superagent is much easier to use than FormData, restler or axios. The @type/superagent is out of date though. (3.1 instead of 3.4)
  • sp3c1
    sp3c1 almost 3 years
    I was going to embark on this journey but you just saved me the trouble. ty! 7 years later it is still not well documented