Non-interactive shell expand alias


Solution 1

From the bash(1) man page:

Aliases are not expanded when the shell is not interactive, unless the expand_aliases shell option is set using shopt (see the description of shopt under SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS below).

Solution 2

The shell that you get when you execute a command remotely with SSH is neither an interactive shell nor a login shell:

$ ssh server 'bash -c "echo $-"'

(there's no i and no l in the response)

In Bash's case that means that none of the usual initialization files are read.

You can force the remote shell to be a login shell by adding -l to your Bash invocation, which means that it would parse the first one of ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile that it can find, searching in that order, but not ~/.bashrc. This means that you will have to put your aliases in one of those files instead.

Solution 3

I had the same problem, and at first shopt -s expand_aliases didn't seem to help. What I've found out is that this options should be set before adding the actual aliases. So if aliases are created before your .bashrc sets the expand_aliases options, they won't be available. Therefore, you should load (or reload) aliases after setting the option.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Matt
    Matt almost 2 years

    I'm having trouble getting aliases to expand on my hosting account when I run a command like:

    ssh user@server "bash -c \"alias\""

    My .bashrc file is:

    echo .bashrc
    # .bashrc
    shopt -s expand_aliases
    # Source global definitions (commenting this out does nothing)
    if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
            . /etc/bashrc
    # User specific aliases and functions
    alias php="php55"
    alias composer="php ~/bin/composer.phar"

    When I run the above ssh command, I do see ".bashrc" echo'd. But if I try to run aliases, I get nothing.

    I could try "bash -ic", but this is actually in a script that I can't easily change, and I want to know why this isn't working.

    Output of ssh user@server "bash -c \"shopt\""

    autocd          off
    cdable_vars     off
    cdspell         off
    checkhash       off
    checkjobs       off
    checkwinsize    off
    cmdhist         on
    compat31        off
    compat32        off
    compat40        off
    dirspell        off
    dotglob         off
    execfail        off
    expand_aliases  off
    extdebug        off
    extglob         off
    extquote        on
    failglob        off
    force_fignore   on
    globstar        off
    gnu_errfmt      off
    histappend      off
    histreedit      off
    histverify      off
    hostcomplete    on
    huponexit       off
    interactive_comments    on
    lithist         off
    login_shell     off
    mailwarn        off
    no_empty_cmd_completion off
    nocaseglob      off
    nocasematch     off
    nullglob        off
    progcomp        on
    promptvars      on
    restricted_shell        off
    shift_verbose   off
    sourcepath      on
    xpg_echo        off

    Output of ssh user@server "bash -c \"echo $SHELL\""

    • Admin
      Admin almost 10 years
      I've given up and just created symlinks and scripts in ~/bin that do the same thing I wanted with aliases. As long as I export my $PATH as ~/bin:$PATH it works well.
    • Admin
      Admin almost 6 years
      On Ubuntu (16.04 and newer for sure) if you have a ~/.local/bin when the /etc/profile is processed it will automatically add that to your PATH. You can also just . /etc/profile after creating the folder to get it added to your PATH without a reboot or logout/login.
  • Matt
    Matt almost 10 years
    so I see that .bashrc is being sourced. I see the echo line from .bashrc when I run the command. The problem is aliases in that file don't expand.
  • Matt
    Matt almost 10 years
    I do have shopt -s expand_aliases in my .bashrc, but that doesn't seem to work. I'm not sure why not, but I guess this would be the answer normally
  • crimson-egret
    crimson-egret almost 10 years
    @Matt I'm not sure the order of 'events', but did you try making sure the shopt -s expand_aliases is in your .bashrc before the aliases? Certainly, your output in the question shows expand_aliases is off.
  • Matt
    Matt almost 10 years
    Yeah, see the .bashrc in my question. I see the echo line but shopt does show it as off. Maybe there's just some weird server setting that's preventing this, I don't know. I've got a workaround
  • Matt
    Matt about 8 years
    This sounds like the solution. I'm not even using this server any more so I can't test it, but probably worth upvoting this in case someone else finds the question.
  • Daniel Farrell
    Daniel Farrell over 6 years
    probably the .bashrc file was not being sourced by default.