not getting response response = httpclient.execute(request);


Solution 1

You should call the method asynchronously. Then it will work with the same code. Add these two lines of code to your project

StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();

and make minimum sdk version to 9

Solution 2

You can check that if you are getting response from server or not by using following code :

HttpResponse response = httpClient1.execute(request);
                    Log.v("response code", response.getStatusLine()
                            .getStatusCode() + ""); 

If you get the value of response code as 200 then you are getting data from server and if the response code value >=300 then you have error at your server side.

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Demet
    Demet almost 2 years
    public class HTTPPoster {
        public static HttpResponse doPost(String url, JSONObject c) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException 
            HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
            HttpPost request = new HttpPost(url);
            HttpEntity entity;
            StringEntity s = new StringEntity(c.toString());
            s.setContentEncoding((Header) new BasicHeader(HTTP.DEFAULT_CONTENT_CHARSET, "application/json"));
            entity = s;
            HttpResponse response;
            response = httpclient.execute(request);
            return response;

    This is the code but on response = http.client.execute(request) doesn't get response. I couldn't find why.

  • Peterdk
    Peterdk over 12 years
    The response is not a HtppResponse but a String. Or how do you get it to be a HttpResponse? Does this depend on the ResponseHandler?
  • Shruti
    Shruti over 12 years
    @Peterdk : please see the following question i asked after your comment.The answer i gave is correct .You kindly update your knowledge.See my question here :…
  • Peterdk
    Peterdk over 12 years
    If you supply a responsehandler, the method returns T. So there is also a generic method of execute available, and in case of the BasicResponseHandler it returns a string.
  • Yi Feng Xie
    Yi Feng Xie about 10 years
    many thanks to you! I found all http request example and all not work. After I add your code, all examples work fine! Why these examples not mention your code?
  • kishore
    kishore about 10 years
    @YiFeng you can also use asyncTask feature of android to achieve the same result. Here is a quick link to asyncTask You should call your http request inside the doBackgroundTask function. Doing blocking tasks in main thread is not preferred in android. Blocking tasks should be done in background thread
  • user1418706
    user1418706 almost 10 years
    Fantastic answer - very helpful