NTFS disk on a dual boot became read-only


Solution 1

Modern windows has something called fast startup that causes trouble for dual booting.

If you are using a modern windows (8 or 10) and dual booting you should keep it turned off

Solution 2

Open the terminal and write the command

sudo fdisk -l It will show your file system

identify the partition you want permission for read and write

then type the command and give the partition name like this to your specific sda

sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda3

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Coding is like computer games except sometimes it's useful.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Vorac
    Vorac almost 2 years

    A Windows10 / debian system with a shared ntfs drive:

    # lsblk
    sda           8:0    0 931.5G  0 disk 
    ├─sda1        8:1    0   9.3G  0 part [SWAP]
    ├─sda2        8:2    0  83.8G  0 part /home
    └─sda3        8:3    0   100G  0 part /media/share
    nvme0n1     259:0    0 465.8G  0 disk 
    ├─nvme0n1p1 259:1    0   100M  0 part /boot/efi
    ├─nvme0n1p2 259:2    0 435.7G  0 part 
    └─nvme0n1p4 259:3    0  27.9G  0 part /

    The share used to work well up until recently, when it became read-only on the linux part. I think I have the appropriate drivers for write access. The line in fstab:

    $ cat /etc/fstab | grep share
    UUID=2786FC7C74DF871D                     /media/share    ntfs    defaults        0       3

    If I unmount it and then mount again:

    # mount /dev/sda3 share
    The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
    Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.
    Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an
    unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation
    or fast restarting.)
    Could not mount read-write, trying read-only

    In windows I checked the disk for errors and defragmented it, then used Shut down. No upgrades started during shutting down.

    How to proceed?

    • Vorac
      Vorac almost 5 years
      @Rusi yup, that's the answer! Thank you!