ntpd fails to sync TIME_ERROR: 0x41: Clock Unsynchronized


Your clock is syncing fine. The sync_ntp in your ntpq -c sysinfo proves that. The kernel messages you're referring to are transient during ntpd startup and are not anything to be worried about.

The problems I see with your setup:

  1. timedatectl is not reporting time sync correctly. The easy fix for that is not to run it. :-) On one of my servers on the same OS and NTP version, timedatectl doesn't produce anything useful at all, but instead says Failed to create bus connection: No such file or directory, because I don't run dbus.
  2. I'm surprised your configuration works with pool servers at all, because of the lack of a restrict source ... line.
  3. You're using the LOCL clock driver, which has been deprecated for many years.
  4. Similarly, you don't need disable monitor to protect yourself from being used for reflective DDoS - the default restrict lines handle that.

You should revert to the default Debian /etc/ntp.conf contents - it will work better than your current configuration and cause you fewer problems when you upgrade. Here's a copy, in case you don't have one handy: http://paste.debian.net/1180011/


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Tombart
    Tombart over 1 year

    On Debian 10, ntpd [email protected] fails to sync with following error:

    kernel reports TIME_ERROR: 0x41: Clock Unsynchronize

    here's ntp.conf:

    disable monitor
    statsdir /var/log/ntpstats
    restrict -4 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
    restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
    restrict ::1
    server 0.us.pool.ntp.org iburst
    server 1.us.pool.ntp.org iburst
    server 2.us.pool.ntp.org iburst
    server 3.us.pool.ntp.org iburst
    fudge stratum 10
    driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift

    ntpq -c sysinfo:

    associd=0 status=0614 leap_none, sync_ntp, 1 event, freq_mode,
    system peer:        50-205-57-38-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net:123
    system peer mode:   client
    leap indicator:     00
    stratum:            2
    log2 precision:     -23
    root delay:         70.634
    root dispersion:    3.569
    reference ID:
    reference time:     e3a0c049.c39d770a  Wed, Jan  6 2021 23:03:37.764
    system jitter:      0.723169
    clock jitter:       1.177
    clock wander:       0.000
    broadcast delay:    -50.000
    symm. auth. delay:  0.000

    ntpq -c lpeers:

         remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
     LOCAL(0)        .LOCL.          10 l  286   64   20    0.000    0.000   0.000
    *50-205-57-38-st .GPS.            1 u   19   64   37   70.631    1.618   1.843
    -ns1.backplanedn  2 u   14   64   37   84.235   -1.575   2.852
    +c-73-239-136-18      3 u   11   64   37   48.606    1.598   2.522
    +time-d.bbnx.net   2 u   14   64   37   92.632    0.623   0.799


                   Local time: Wed 2021-01-06 23:06:44 UTC
               Universal time: Wed 2021-01-06 23:06:44 UTC
                     RTC time: Wed 2021-01-06 23:06:44
                    Time zone: Etc/UTC (UTC, +0000)
    System clock synchronized: no
                  NTP service: inactive
              RTC in local TZ: no

    Any idea what could be wrong?

    • berndbausch
      berndbausch over 3 years
      Probably nothing is wrong, and it's just a misleading warning message at startup. See, for example, linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/…. Apart from this message, are there any other symptoms that worry you? Is the time correct? This computer seems to get its time from a GPS device, and the difference between GPS time and computer time is a mere millisecond (offset column in the peers table).
    • Tombart
      Tombart over 3 years
      Thanks. I'm worried about kernel reporting unsynced clock. ntp seems to need more time to sync. I've tried using chrony and it reports synced time immediately.