Nuget causing building problems


There is indeed a bug, as mentioned by a user in the comments (spike), within the NuGet executable. It looks like a borked installation of NuGet. The only way that I found to get rid of this is to completely reinstall your OS (please save before your precious data) and then install back again Visual Studio 2015 RC or an more up to date version of Visual Studio.


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steve cook
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steve cook

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • steve cook
    steve cook about 2 years

    I have fork a project (NRefactory - but I'm not able to build the solution.

    Here's what the errors I'm getting from VS

    Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line
    Error       The command "C:\Users\Kavignon_Developer\Documents\GitHub Projects\GitHub - Open Source Projects\SummerOfCode_2015\\.nuget\NuGet.exe restore -SolutionDirectory .." exited with code 9009.  ICSharpCode.NRefactory6.CSharp  C:\Users\Kavignon_Developer\Documents\GitHub Projects\GitHub - Open Source Projects\SummerOfCode_2015\ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp\ICSharpCode.NRefactory6.CSharp.csproj   599

    From some posts

    1. NuGet.exe install error 9009 - Downloaded Git repo won't build - mono--runtime=v4.0.30319

    2. nuget install exit code 9009

    I have figured that my nuget was faulty or missing. After getting into the nuget manager for my solution, nuget proposed to fix the missing packages in my solution. Thought it was a great option so I said yes. The thing is, it did not change the situation. I have rebuild and cleaned the solution but it did not have an impact.

    Some might tell me that I don't have the nuget executable, but how could I manage to install nuget package without it ? Plus, going through the search function within windows, I was able to find the .exe of nuget.

    What it is supposed to be done here? I'm using Visual Studio 2015 CTP 6. I have no choice as I'm working with new feature in VS.

    • Jochen van Wylick
      Jochen van Wylick about 9 years
      I would recommend updating to latest version of VS2015 - namely the RC. I had NuGet problems and reported an issue - after updating to the RC, issues were solved:…
  • Kevin Avignon
    Kevin Avignon about 9 years
    I used the Visual Studio 2015 RC Entreprise edition. I don't know if the Community edition works. It took a long while installing again Visual Studio on my work station, and I did not want to verify, as a proof of concept, that it work with the other edition too. I will leave the matter in the hands of the OP and others that might suffer from the same issue.
  • Jochen van Wylick
    Jochen van Wylick about 9 years
    Well, thankfully, I did not have to reinstall the OS. I had a project with .nuget and nuget.exe in source control and got rid of that first ( here's how:… ) - because it's good practice and it ensures not calling an old version of the nuget.exe. Then I got rid of all local nuget caches ( search for .nupkg and clean up the whole folder ). Did this both locally and on CI server. Then I install-package --force the package that gave the issue and noticed that the hintpath had the additional .0.