numberOfLines TextInput property not working


Solution 1

To resume:

  numberOfLines={Platform.OS === 'ios' ? null : numberOfLines}
  minHeight={(Platform.OS === 'ios' && numberOfLines) ? (20 * numberOfLines) : null}

Solution 2

You can use maxHeight and minHeight to accept what you want. For standard text fontSize, giving maxHeight={60} will make TextInput scrollable after 3 lines. This is good for IOS - for Android you can use numberOfLines prop.

Solution 3

You have numberOfLines: {5}, should be numberOfLines={5}. Or is that just a typo only in SO?

In addition, styling textAlignVertical: 'top' is also recommended.

Ankush Rishi
Author by

Ankush Rishi

Full Stack Developer

Updated on June 16, 2022


  • Ankush Rishi
    Ankush Rishi about 2 years

    I have created an application in react-native and I have an option to chat in messages option. when I click inside TextInput and type two lines, the upper line gets hidden. To fix this I saw in the docs numberOfLines property but it did not work.

    Here is my code:

                    numberOfLines: {5}
                    style={[styles.textInput, {height: context.props.textInputHeight}]}

    I tried it in getDefaultProps function too:

    getDefaultProps() {
        return {
          placeholder: 'Type a message...',
          navHeight: 70,
          textInputHeight: 44,
          maxHeight: Screen.height,

    But did not worked.

  • Ankush Rishi
    Ankush Rishi over 8 years
    It works when I remove the height in style style={[styles.textInput, {height: context.props.textInputHeight}]} and If I add textAlignVertical: 'top' it does not display the text I write in the textbox
  • Ankush Rishi
    Ankush Rishi about 6 years
    yes now a days we can use maxHeight property but at that time when I asked this questions more than 2 years ago, it was not there in the docs. Thanks for the update!
  • kojow7
    kojow7 over 3 years
    What exactly does the number 20 indicate?
  • Made in Moon
    Made in Moon over 3 years
    @kojow7 it's a height for each line
  • Bravo
    Bravo about 3 years
    hardcoding 20 for each line is absolutely incorrect. On Android numberOfLines calculates automatically how much height is necessary for each line thus the textinput looks perfect