Numpy argmax - random tie breaking


Solution 1

Use np.random.choice -

np.random.choice(np.flatnonzero(b == b.max()))

Let's verify for an array with three max candidates -

In [298]: b
Out[298]: array([0, 5, 2, 5, 4, 5])

In [299]: c=[np.random.choice(np.flatnonzero(b == b.max())) for i in range(100000)]

In [300]: np.bincount(c)
Out[300]: array([    0, 33180,     0, 33611,     0, 33209])

Solution 2

In the case of a multi-dimensional array, choice won't work.

An alternative is

def randargmax(b,**kw):
  """ a random tie-breaking argmax"""
  return np.argmax(np.random.random(b.shape) * (b==b.max()), **kw)

If for some reason generating random floats is slower than some other method, random.random can be replaced with that other method.

Solution 3

Easiest way is

np.random.choice(np.where(b == b.max())[0])

Solution 4

Since the accepted answer may not be obvious, here is how it works:

  • b == b.max() will return an array of booleans, with values of true where items are max and values of false for other items
  • flatnonzero() will do two things: ignore the false values (nonzero part) then return indices of true values. In other words, you get an array with indices of items matching the max value
  • Finally, you pick a random index from the array

Solution 5

Additional to @Manux's answer,

Changing b.max() to np.amax(b,**kw, keepdims=True) will let you do it along axes.

def randargmax(b,**kw):
    """ a random tie-breaking argmax"""
    return np.argmax(np.random.random(b.shape) * (b==b.max()), **kw)


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Jenna Kwon
Author by

Jenna Kwon

I am fascinated by machine learning and the potential of computing in many applications. Trying to learn as much as possible on a daily basis!

Updated on June 17, 2022


  • Jenna Kwon
    Jenna Kwon almost 2 years

    In numpy.argmax function, tie breaking between multiple max elements is so that the first element is returned. Is there a functionality for randomizing tie breaking so that all maximum numbers have equal chance of being selected?

    Below is an example directly from numpy.argmax documentation.

    >>> b = np.arange(6)
    >>> b[1] = 5
    >>> b
    array([0, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    >>> np.argmax(b) # Only the first occurrence is returned.

    I am looking for ways so that 1st and 5th elements in the list are returned with equal probability.

    Thank you!

  • crypdick
    crypdick over 4 years
    if you have floats instead of ints, you may want to replace b == b.max() with np.isclose(b, b.max())
  • Jaymin
    Jaymin over 4 years
    Please provide some explanation along with the answer.
  • ijuneja
    ijuneja almost 3 years
    arr.max() can be replaced by np.max(arr) for clarity that numpy array is involved
  • Mehdi Abbassi
    Mehdi Abbassi over 2 years
    roughly three times slower!
  • Mehdi Abbassi
    Mehdi Abbassi over 2 years
    roughly 18 times slower!