NuxtJs Cannot read property '_normalized' of undefined


The error was I don't pass to property for <nuxt-link></nuxt-link> and this is what causes this error

Ghyath Darwish
Author by

Ghyath Darwish

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Ghyath Darwish
    Ghyath Darwish almost 2 years

    this error show when I try to fetch some data in nuxtjs

    Cannot read property '_normalized' of undefined

    This is my axios request in nuxtjs :

     async asyncData({app}){
            var response = await app.$axios.get('/store/get-services',{params:{id:app.$}});
            return {};

    this is a backend controller laravel:

    public function store_ads(Request $req){
        if($req->user()->store->id != $req->id){
        $services = Store::select('id')->with('ads:id,store_id,price,title')->where('id',$req->id)->first();
        return response()->json(['services'=>$services],200);

    and here is how i fetch them in my template:

    <div class="services-list">
                            <h4 class="is-vcentered title has-text-centered has-text-grey-light" v-if="">No Services</h4>
                                <li v-for="service in" :key=""><nuxt-link>{{service.title}}</nuxt-link></li>

    What is the reason?

  • Szabó Csaba
    Szabó Csaba about 4 years
    Exactly. Nuxt.js could provide a better error message than this one.
  • Vedmant
    Vedmant almost 4 years
    Yeah, cryptic error, how could anyone understand it without googling.
  • Jakub Záruba
    Jakub Záruba about 2 years
    In my case was problem with undefined url for this.$router.push(...)