One single balancer-manager page for multiple virtual hosts


Solution 1

What about splitting your config. Put your balancer definition outside any virtual host and remove the context:

     <Proxy balancer://htg>
            ProxySet failonstatus=503
            BalancerMember ajp:// lbset=0 route=foo001 loadfactor=40
            BalancerMember ajp:// lbset=0 route=foo002 loadfactor=40
            BalancerMember ajp:// lbset=0 route=foo003 loadfactor=20

    <Proxy balancer://htgservice>
            ProxySet failonstatus=503
            BalancerMember ajp:// route=foo001 loadfactor=40
            BalancerMember ajp:// route=foo002 loadfactor=40
            BalancerMember ajp:// route=foo003 loadfactor=20

In your vhosts reference these balancers:

ProxyPass        /app balancer://htg/app stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=Off scolonpathdelim=On
ProxyPassReverse /app balancer://htg/app

ProxyPass        /app_service  balancer://htgservice/wtg_service stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=Off scolonpathdelim=On
ProxyPassReverse /app_service  balancer://htgservice/wtg_service

To access your balancer-manager, create an extra management vhost with <Location /balancer-manager> in it.

This way, you have one place where all your balancers are defined and one vhost to access the balancer-manager which shows you all your balncers.

Solution 2

Thank you Christian! The solution of Christian is correct!

Basically you have to put ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse inside the configuration for the Virtual-Hosts, and define the Proxy-Directive in the proxy.conf. As Christian already stated in his own comments, it is required use the ProxySet-Directive inside the Proxy-Directive to configure the StickySessions - it won't work with ProxyPass. Bellow is a short, but complete, example:

Sample VirtualHost (one for foo, bar, baz):

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    ServerAlias customer-foo-balancer

    DocumentRoot /var/www/foo

    <Directory />
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        Order allow,deny
        deny from all
    <Directory /var/www/foo/wcs_static>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        allow from all
     <Directory /var/www/foo/wcs_static_res>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        allow from all

    # maintenance
    RewriteEngine On

    RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/wcs_static_res/maintenance.html -f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/wcs_static_res/maintenance.html
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/wcs_static_res/maintenance-time.png
    RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} !^10\.1\.0\.203
    RewriteRule ^.*$    /wcs_static_res/maintenance.html [L]

    # redirect, SSL itself is handled by another server in front of this loadbalancer
    RedirectMatch (.*)/$

    # load balancer

    # web-frontend
    ProxyPass        /wcs balancer://foo
    # stickysession can't be set with ProxyPass in this case, see proxy.conf
    ProxyPassReverse /wcs balancer://foo

    # standalone-clients 
    ProxyPass        /wcs_service balancer://fooservice
    ProxyPassReverse /wcs_service balancer://fooservice

    # logging
    LogLevel warn
    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/foo_error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/foo_access.log combined

proxy.conf (there is only this one):

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>

        ProxyRequests Off
        ProxyVia Off
        ProxyPreserveHost On

        <Proxy balancer://foo>
                # stickysessions must be defined here
                ProxySet failonstatus=503 stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=Off scolonpathdelim=On
                BalancerMember ajp:// lbset=0 route=foo001 loadfactor=40
                BalancerMember ajp:// lbset=0 route=foo002 loadfactor=40
                BalancerMember ajp:// lbset=0 route=foo003 loadfactor=20
        <Proxy balancer://fooservice>
                ProxySet failonstatus=503 stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=Off scolonpathdelim=On
                BalancerMember ajp:// route=foo001 loadfactor=40
                BalancerMember ajp:// route=foo002 loadfactor=40
                BalancerMember ajp:// route=foo003 loadfactor=20

        <Proxy balancer://bar>
                ProxySet failonstatus=503 stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=Off scolonpathdelim=On
                BalancerMember ajp:// lbset=0 route=bar001 loadfactor=40
                BalancerMember ajp:// lbset=0 route=bar002 loadfactor=40
                BalancerMember ajp:// lbset=0 route=bar003 loadfactor=20
        <Proxy balancer://barservice>
                ProxySet failonstatus=503 stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=Off scolonpathdelim=On
                BalancerMember ajp:// route=bar001 loadfactor=40
                BalancerMember ajp:// route=bar002 loadfactor=40
                BalancerMember ajp:// route=bar003 loadfactor=20

        <Proxy balancer://baz>
                ProxySet failonstatus=503 stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=Off scolonpathdelim=On
                BalancerMember ajp:// lbset=0 route=baz001 loadfactor=40
                BalancerMember ajp:// lbset=0 route=baz002 loadfactor=40
                BalancerMember ajp:// lbset=0 route=baz003 loadfactor=20

        <Proxy balancer://bazservice>
                ProxySet failonstatus=503 stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=Off scolonpathdelim=On
                BalancerMember ajp:// route=baz001 loadfactor=40
                BalancerMember ajp:// route=baz002 loadfactor=40
                BalancerMember ajp:// route=baz003 loadfactor=20


<IfModule mod_proxy_balancer.c>
        <IfModule mod_status.c>
        <Location /balancer-manager>
                SetHandler balancer-manager
                Order deny,allow
                Deny from all
                # store here your internal IPs for direct access
                Allow from ::1
                Satisfy all


Now you can change the configuration through for all servers behind your proxy. No need to hack with /etc/hosts on the clients and the loadbalancer. Drawback, especially with the Apache 2.4, the interface gets quickly cluttered and you have to scroll much.


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Peter Weber
Author by

Peter Weber

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Peter Weber
    Peter Weber over 1 year

    We're using currently an Apache 2.4 as load-balancer for a multi-master-cluster of three Tomcats-Servers. We can access the internal IP-Address of this load-balancer with an web-browser and change the settings on the fly (e.g. http://xx.xx.xx.xx/balancer-manager). This works and we're pretty fine with this.

    Enabled modules:

    • proxy.load (proxy.conf used to configure)
    • proxy_ajp.load
    • proxy_balancer.load (proxy_balancer.conf used to configure)

    But now we will host several (three in this setup) virtual hosts on this Apache, each representing a cluster of three Tomcats itself. Each is accessiable via an URL like So the path is the same for each cluster! Now we're facing two problems:

    • The page balancer-manager is only reachable via it's virtual host. Therefore we have to access the balancer-manager via random choosen internal hostname (added to ServerAlias) and add this hostname also into the /etc/hosts off our internal computers to be be able to use it.
    • Furthermore we have to do this for each virtual-host (~cluster). But we want a single page balancer-manager which presents all virtual-hosts and the cluster behind.

    Here some sample configuration:
    /etc/apache2/site-enabled/foo # we have actually three of them: foo, bar, baz

    <VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
        ServerAlias customer-foo-balancer
        DocumentRoot /var/www
            <Directory />
                    Options FollowSymLinks
                    AllowOverride None
                    Order allow,deny
                    deny from all
            <Directory /var/app/app_static>
                    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                    AllowOverride All
                    Order allow,deny
                    allow from all
            <Directory /var/www/app_static_res>
                    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                    AllowOverride All
                    Order allow,deny
                    allow from all
        # load balancer
            <Location /balancer-manager>
                     SetHandler balancer-manager
                     Order deny,allow
                     Deny from all
                     # allows for internal access
                     Allow from ::1
                     Satisfy all
            ProxyRequests Off
            ProxyVia Off
            ProxyPreserveHost On
            <Proxy balancer://htg>
                    ProxySet failonstatus=503
                    BalancerMember ajp:// lbset=0 route=foo001 loadfactor=40
                    BalancerMember ajp:// lbset=0 route=foo002 loadfactor=40
                    BalancerMember ajp:// lbset=0 route=foo003 loadfactor=20
            <Proxy balancer://htgservice>
                    ProxySet failonstatus=503
                    BalancerMember ajp:// route=foo001 loadfactor=40
                    BalancerMember ajp:// route=foo002 loadfactor=40
                    BalancerMember ajp:// route=foo003 loadfactor=20
            ProxyPass        /app balancer://foo stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=Off scolonpathdelim=On
            ProxyPassReverse /app balancer://foo
            ProxyPass        /app_service  balancer://fooservice stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid nofailover=Off scolonpathdelim=On
            ProxyPassReverse /app_service  balancer://fooservice
            LogLevel warn
        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

    In the past we configured the balancing inside the distinct files proxy.conf and proxy_balancer.conf, which should allow for accessing via the internal IP and show up all clusters and cluster-members on a single page. But this won't work anymore, the configuration for proxies seem to accept only paths (e.g. app and app_service) not URLs or hostnames. We can't and won't change the paths. Therefore we moved the proxy-configuration inside the virtual hosts.

    Thanks for your help!

  • Peter Weber
    Peter Weber about 10 years
    Thanks. I will try that as soon as possible! Till now, I thought this kind of split isn't possible and assumend I can work around this with a weird kind of rewrite.
  • user2987902
    user2987902 about 10 years
    I found one drawback. It seems it is not working correctly with stickysessions enabled.
  • user2987902
    user2987902 about 10 years
    Perhaps, this is a solution to the sticky session problem:
  • user2987902
    user2987902 about 10 years
    It is also discribed in this httpd bug report:
  • Peter Weber
    Peter Weber about 10 years
    Hi! I already hit this problem yesterday. The styicksessions must be defined with ProxySet inside the <Proxy></Proxy> and it works!