OpenCV 3.0.0 "configure" fails, ffmpeg not downloaded


Solution 1

Had the same problem recently with opencv 3.1.0. Resolved the situation by using corresponding dll(s) from the ./build/bin directory of an opencv extract. As for ffmpeg_version.cmake, grabbed it from the link given. Replace the files under ./sources/3rd party/ffmpeg then reconfigure cmake.

Solution 2

You have to copy the files into your source folder, where you want to built from.

In my case it is then




An they include these files in the same order


Have a look into the file ffmpeg_cmake what CMake expects as md5-hash as folder label

Solution 3

Iam running into the same issue. In my opinion it is an issue through our company network and proxyserver.

So i tried to download the file manually from home and put it on my USB flash drive. Please look into your OpenCV source path. There you can find an structure like ...


CMake tries to download the file, but can't pass through proxy, so the file is 0 Byte and md5 checksum fails.

In "...\OpenCV_SOURCE_FOLDER\3rdparty\ffmpeg" you can find a makefile named "ffmpeg.cmake" with the URL CMake tries to download from. In my case I downloaded the file from the following URL:

Your checksum parameter could be different (depending probably on your OpenCV version)! It is possible that you have to do the same for "opencv_ffmpeg_64.dll" and "ffmpeg_version.cmake".

Best regards

Author by


Updated on July 20, 2022


  • S.H
    S.H almost 2 years

    I get the following error when trying to configure OpenCV using CMAKE on windows:

    CMake Warning at cmake/OpenCVUtils.cmake:865 (message):
    Download: Local copy of opencv_ffmpeg.dll has invalid MD5 hash:
    d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (expected:
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
    3rdparty/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.cmake:10 (ocv_download)
    cmake/OpenCVFindLibsVideo.cmake:193 (include)
    CMakeLists.txt:527 (include)
    Downloading opencv_ffmpeg.dll...
    CMake Error at cmake/OpenCVUtils.cmake:888 (file):
    file DOWNLOAD MD5 mismatch
    for file: [C:/research/opencv300/sources/3rdparty/ffmpeg/downloads/89c783eee1c47bfc733f08334ec2e31c/opencv_ffmpeg.dll]
    expected MD5 sum: [89c783eee1c47bfc733f08334ec2e31c]
    actual MD5 sum: [d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e]
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
    3rdparty/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.cmake:10 (ocv_download)
    cmake/OpenCVFindLibsVideo.cmake:193 (include)
    CMakeLists.txt:527 (include)
    CMake Error at cmake/OpenCVUtils.cmake:892 (message):
    Failed to download opencv_ffmpeg.dll.  Status=1;"unsupported protocol"
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
    3rdparty/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.cmake:10 (ocv_download)
    cmake/OpenCVFindLibsVideo.cmake:193 (include)
    CMakeLists.txt:527 (include)
    Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

    I tried downloading opencv_ffmpeg.dll manually, but the configure process didn't work.

    Can you help me, how to fix that?

  • S.H
    S.H over 8 years
    That's a bit much for a download error that somehow should be fix-able!
  • S.H
    S.H over 8 years
    Richard Mohana, how did you proceed? just copy the file to the destination folder? In my case, cmake then tries to download it again and its again 0Bytes...
  • S.H
    S.H over 8 years
    Opening the link that you have provided only gives me an empty browser page with the only content "NOT FOUND"