Opening new window in WebDriver using C#


The piece that most people miss when dealing with popup windows in IE is that a click on an element is asynchronous. That is to say, if you check the .WindowHandles property immediately after a click, you may lose the race condition, because you're checking for the existence of a new window before IE has had the chance to create it, and the driver has had a chance to register it exists.

Here's the C# code I would use to perform the same operation:

string foundHandle = null;
string originalWindowHandle = driver.CurrentWindowHandle;

// Get the list of existing window handles.
IList<string> existingHandles = driver.WindowHandles;
IWebElement addtoList = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(_pageName));

// Use a timeout. Alternatively, you could use a WebDriverWait
// for this operation.
DateTime timeout = DateTime.Now.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
while(DateTime.Now < timeout)
    // This method uses LINQ, so it presupposes you are running on
    // .NET 3.5 or above. Alternatively, it's possible to do this
    // without LINQ, but the code is more verbose.
    IList<string> currentHandles = driver.WindowHandles;
    IList<string> differentHandles = currentHandles.Except(existingHandles).ToList();
    if (differentHandles.Count > 0)
        // There will ordinarily only be one handle in this list,
        // so it should be safe to return the first one here.
        foundHandle = differentHandles[0];

    // Sleep for a very short period of time to prevent starving the driver thread.

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(foundHandle))
    throw new Exception("didn't find popup window within timeout");


// Do whatever verification on the popup window you need to, then...

// And switch back to the original window handle.

Incidentally, if you're using the .NET bindings, you have access to a PopupWindowFinder class in the WebDriver.Support.dll assembly, which uses a very similar approach to the locating popup windows. You may find that class meets your needs exactly, and can use it without modification.

Nick Kahn
Author by

Nick Kahn

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Nick Kahn
    Nick Kahn about 2 years

    EDIT 4:

    enter image description here EDIT 3 enter image description here

    EDIT 2

        string currentWindow = driver.CurrentWindowHandle;
        string childTitle = driver.Title;
        string parentTitle = driver.Title;

    the above code gives me the same title for parent window or child window.


    <a id="ctl00_ctl00_Features_ctl03_lnkPage" class="title" target="_blank" href="websiteaddress">Stay  Around</a>

    how to verify the title of a newly window open and once i verified then close the opened new window?

    so in my page I have a link and click on the link and it opens a new window and now I am not sure how to verify the title of that window.

    here is what i have done so far.

    IWebElement addtoList = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(_pageName));

    //it opens a new window

    now i want to switch focus on the new window and verify the title and close the new window back to the previous window.