OperationalError: (OperationalError) (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)") None None


Looks like the mysql server is configured to listen only on localhost.

You can test this by running telnet 3306 from your client machine.

Most probable reason - mysqld (=MySQL daemon) is configured to do so.

Please try to follow Configuration step described here:

Edit the /etc/mysql/my.cnf file to configure MySQL to listen for connections from network hosts, change the bind-address directive to the server's IP address. For example, in your case, replace with


bind-address            =


bind-address            =

If there is no such entry and you cannot connect, create a new line. You may also try commenting out the line instead.

After making a change to /etc/mysql/my.cnf the MySQL daemon will need to be restarted:

sudo systemctl restart mysql.service

Then test with telnet or by running your application once again. Also netstat would have second entry for mysqld.

Author by


Updated on January 10, 2022


  • liv2hak
    liv2hak over 2 years

    I am trying to create a remote database using mysql on an Ubuntu machine running 12.04.

    It has a root user with remote login enabled and no password.I have started the server.

    output of

    sudo netstat -tap | grep mysql


    tcp        0      0 localhost:mysql         *:*                     LISTEN      13246/mysqld

    I have created a database called nwtopology using (as mentioned root doesn't have a password yet.)

     create database nwtopology
     grant all privileges on *.* to [email protected]

    From the client machine that also runs Ubuntu 12.04 I use a python script to connect to the remote mysql database using sqlalchemy.

    from pox.core import core
    import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of
    import re
    import datetime
    import time
    from sqlalchemy import create_engine, ForeignKey
    from sqlalchemy import Column, Date, Integer, String
    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
    from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref
    from sqlalchemy import create_engine
    from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
    from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import exists
    log = core.getLogger()
    engine = create_engine('mysql://[email protected]/nwtopology', echo=False)
    Base = declarative_base()
    Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
    session = Session()
    class SourcetoPort(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'source_to_port'
        id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
        port_no        = Column(Integer)
        src_address    = Column(String,index=True)
        def __init__(self, src_address,port_no):
            self.src_address = src_address
            self.port_no     = port_no

    The create_engine() call is failing with the following error.

    POX 0.1.0 (betta) / Copyright 2011-2013 James McCauley, et al.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/karthik/ms_thesis/pox/pox/boot.py", line 89, in do_import2
        __import__(name, globals(), locals())
      File "/home/karthik/ms_thesis/pox/custom/tutorial.py", line 39, in <module>
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/schema.py", line 2515, in create_all
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 2230, in _run_visitor
        conn = self.contextual_connect(close_with_result=False)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 2340, in contextual_connect
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/pool.py", line 210, in connect
        return _ConnectionFairy(self).checkout()
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/pool.py", line 371, in __init__
        rec = self._connection_record = pool._do_get()
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/pool.py", line 697, in _do_get
        con = self._create_connection()
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/pool.py", line 174, in _create_connection
        return _ConnectionRecord(self)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/pool.py", line 256, in __init__
        self.connection = self.__connect()
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/pool.py", line 316, in __connect
        connection = self.__pool._creator()
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/strategies.py", line 80, in connect
        return dialect.connect(*cargs, **cparams)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py", line 280, in connect
        return self.dbapi.connect(*cargs, **cparams)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/__init__.py", line 81, in Connect
        return Connection(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py", line 187, in __init__
        super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs2)
    OperationalError: (OperationalError) (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)") None None

    I cannot figure out why this is happening?Any help is greatly appreciated?

  • Jeel Shah
    Jeel Shah over 7 years
    +1 Thanks for a clear outline. If someone does this and still cannot connect (and is running Ubuntu) then check your firewall settings and allow 3306 as a port.
  • MBR
    MBR about 7 years
    I also had to create a new user with sufficient privileges that could connect from the outside (see here).
  • Yahya
    Yahya over 6 years
    I followed what is given in the answer but still could not get it to work. I then figured out that the "bind-address" parameter is in the "/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf" file. Commented it out over there and it worked!
  • Stefan Falk
    Stefan Falk over 5 years
    Link is dead by now.
  • questionto42standswithUkraine
    questionto42standswithUkraine over 2 years
    @StefanFalk Yes, you need to replace the old ubuntu number by a newer one like 18, now edited. In future, that will have to be done again, just search for a newer version if it is dead again.