Oracle.DataAccess.Client Dependencies


Solution 1

I managed to make it work.

  • Download the good version of the ODAC that will target your project.
  1. For a 32bit project you need to download the (

  2. For the 64bit project you need to download the

  • Unzip it in an empty folder depending on the version you want (32bit vs 64bit).

  • Locate in the instantclient_12_1 folder all the dlls by searching *.dll in the windows search bar. You need to grab:

  1. oci.dll

  2. ociw32.dll

  3. orannzsbb12.dll

  4. oraociei12.dll

  5. oraons.dll

  • Locate in the odp.net4 or odp.net20 folder depending on your .NET version this two dlls:
  1. OraOps12.dll

  2. Oracle.DataAccess.dll

  • Copy the those 32bit dlls or 64bit dlls and put them directly in the Output path of your project. For example in C:\...\vsProjects\BulkInsert\BulkInsert\bin\Debug.

  • Browse Oracle.DataAccess.dll in your project by pointing on the Output path.

Solution Explorer Screenshot

UPD: recent versions of the ODP.NET provider (downloaded from here) have "19" suffix instead of "12" in their filenames:

  1. oci.dll

  2. ociw32.dll

  3. orannzsbb19.dll

  4. oraociei19.dll

  5. oraons.dll

  6. OraOps19.dll

  7. Oracle.DataAccess.dll

Solution 2

I experienced similar problem; install oracle data access components (odac for solution.

Author by


Updated on July 15, 2022


  • billybob
    billybob almost 2 years

    First of all, I want to use the Oracle.DataAccess.dll to use OracleBulkCopy.

    I want to know all the dlls that I need to be able to read from a database and then perform a bulkcopy in Oracle. Currently, we are using only one dll to perform all the reads from databases, we are using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client. But I can't use it to perform a bulkCopy.

    I don't want to install ODP.NET for the users, I want to include the dll directly in the program. So I want to know the minimum required dlls to be able to use the Oracle.DataAccess.dll in 32bit and in 64bit.

    I know that there are some old post about this, but it's quiet old and the listed dlls are out of date. I can't event find some of them.

    I installed the for ODAC12 and I retreived all the listed dlls in this post. I also tried with with this post. The listed dlls are pointing out the version 11.

    I made a dummy project that opens a connection, reads a table and bulk it in another table. I copied the listed dlls from the posts in the root of the project and I included Oracle.DataAccess.dll in the project.

    When I run my program in 64 bit I get the following error:

    Could not load file or assembly 'Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342'

    When I run it in 32 bit, I get this error:

    Unable to load DLL 'OraOps12.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)"

    The dlls that I included are:

    • oci.dll
    • ociw32.dll
    • Oracle.DataAccess.dll
    • orannzsbb12.dll
    • oraocci12.dll
    • oraociei12.dll
    • OraOps12.dll
  • Wernfried Domscheit
    Wernfried Domscheit over 8 years
    I think it would be better to copy all files from folder instantclient_12_1 (which is equal to install the Oracle Instance Client). I may work you your environment but on slightly different condition it may fail.
  • jbouaziz
    jbouaziz about 6 years
    Can you add a link to that said file?
  • engntsn
    engntsn about 6 years
    link you can select version on page
  • Matthew
    Matthew over 4 years
    Watch you don't copy DLLs from the wrong version of bitness of Oracle. I did and got this error until I got all the DLLs from the same version of Oracle Instant Client:…