Outlook 2010 - #550 5.1.1 RESOLVER.ADR.ExRecipNotFound; not found ##


Solution 1

Does this happen with all users or just one user? Does this happen when they are sending to a specific workmates or to all other workmates? More information on your troubleshooting steps would help narrow down an answer. I will however offer a solution since I have seen this error message before.

I had this issue with some of my clients and this is how I resolved it:

Are they using auto-complete to select the recipients address? Have them try to type the email in manually. If this works correctly then I would delete their .n2k file under their profile. Sometimes the .n2k file can be corrupted and needs to be cleared out. Lets hope they are not using it for an address book.

You don't say what version of Windows but the .n2k file is genearlly stored at the following paths.

Windows XP:

Drive:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook

Windows 7:


Solution 2

We encountered the same issue when we removed a few of our distribution groups from AD and re-created them with the same name/e-mail address so they would sync with Office 365. Auto-complete was referencing the id associated with the old object and the user would receive a #550 5.1.1 RESOLVER.ADR.ExRecipNotFound; not found ## error . Having the user type out the entire address once seemed to correct the issue and update the .n2k file.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • maja
    maja almost 2 years

    I'm trying to create a graph editor using WinForms.

    I have a picture box, whenever I click on it the program draws a vertex by creating a label about 15px in size where I store a string, the location, etc.

    I can draw the edges by drawing lines from location to location, but I need other boxes to do this, I wonder if there is a way to do this purely by touch (with the mouse cursor).

    I need some kind of object that if clicked will start an event that will draw an edge up to the vertex I click next. I considered adding little picture boxes instead of labels, but the labels are convenient for storing the name of the vertexes, also I think adding both a label and an other box in the same position may hide one of the objects.

  • Ash
    Ash over 12 years
    Thanks for your help. I think a corrupt address entry in the N2K file is the answer. I have asked the user to delete the address from the To: drop-down to test.
  • maja
    maja over 8 years
    everything helps. I already have a list with my labels (and their locations), what I'm trying to do is: after the labels are in place, click on them again and have a line go exactly from one label location to the other,
  • Timmoth
    Timmoth over 8 years
    So let me get this straight you already have labels defined on your form. But you want to have the uses select label pairs in which there will be a line joining. For example if you had 4 labels on the form say: A, B, C, D the user could click A, D then B,D then DC which would draw three lines going from A to D, B to D and D to C?
  • maja
    maja over 8 years
    that's what I want to do. I'm not sure if it's possible, maybe labels aren't the right tool for this..
  • maja
    maja over 8 years
    I could decide that I will draw A and connect it to B and then to C with three clicks, but what if I then want to connect D and A or have a vertex that's connected to only another one while the graph "proceeds"?
  • Timmoth
    Timmoth over 8 years
    What i would do in this case is to store a list of Tuple's which hold the coordinate pairs. In a separate function i would iterate over each of the coordinate pairs in the list and draw a line for each. To create the list: List<Tuple<Point, Point>> pointPairs = new List<Tuple<Point, Point>>(); to add points to the list: Point firstPoint = new Point(10, 20); Point secondPoint = new Point(30, 60); pointPairs.Add(new Tuple<Point, Point>(firstPoint, secondPoint));
  • Timmoth
    Timmoth over 8 years
    Then i would add a function which draws all the lines stored in the list: public void DrawLines() { foreach(var pointPair in pointPairs) { DrawLine(pointPair.Item1, pointPair.Item2); } }
  • maja
    maja over 8 years
    I was thinking of taking inspiration form Mathlab and create a label list for the vertexes and three string or int lists for start points, end points and distances (synchronized by a common index). The problem is getting the mouse input for the setting up of the edges...
  • maja
    maja over 8 years
    I can always do it with other boxes for the parameters and a big button to generate the edge, but liked the idea of the "touch" experience.