Override class name for XmlSerialization


Solution 1

Like so:

XmlAttributeOverrides or = new XmlAttributeOverrides();
or.Add(typeof(ChannelConfiguration), new XmlAttributes
    XmlType = new XmlTypeAttribute("Channel")
var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<ChannelConfiguration>), or,
     Type.EmptyTypes, new XmlRootAttribute("Channels"), "");
     new List<ChannelConfiguration> { new ChannelConfiguration { } });

Note you must cache and re-use this serializer instance.

I will also say that I strongly recommend you use the "wrapper class" approach - simpler, no risk of assembly leakage, and IIRC it works on more platforms (pretty sure I've seen an edge-case where the above behaves differently on some implementations - SL or WP7 or something like that).

If you have access to the type ChannelConfiguration, you can also just use:

public class ChannelConfiguration

var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<ChannelConfiguration>),
     new XmlRootAttribute("Channels"));
     new List<ChannelConfiguration> { new ChannelConfiguration { } });

Solution 2

This should do the trick, if I remember correctly.

public class ChannelConfiguration {

Author by


Updated on July 15, 2022


  • SiberianGuy
    SiberianGuy almost 2 years

    I need to serialize IEnumerable. At the same time I want root node to be "Channels" and second level node - Channel (instead of ChannelConfiguration).

    Here is my serializer definition:

    _xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<ChannelConfiguration>), new XmlRootAttribute("Channels"));

    I have overriden root node by providing XmlRootAttribute but I haven't found an option to set Channel instead of ChannelConfiguration as second level node.

    I know I can do it by introducing a wrapper for IEnumerable and using XmlArrayItem but I don't want to do it.

  • Nevyn
    Nevyn over 9 years
    When the object is part of a List<myObjects>, XmlRoot doesn't work...but XmlType DOES. This fixed my issue, Thanks @JordyLangen.