Pandas - Slice large dataframe into chunks


Solution 1

You can use list comprehension to split your dataframe into smaller dataframes contained in a list.

n = 200000  #chunk row size
list_df = [df[i:i+n] for i in range(0,df.shape[0],n)]

Or use numpy array_split:

list_df = np.array_split(df, n)

You can access the chunks with:


Then you can assemble it back into a one dataframe using pd.concat.

By AcctName

list_df = []

for n,g in df.groupby('AcctName'):

Solution 2

I'd suggest using a dependency more_itertools. It handles all edge cases like uneven partition of the dataframe and returns an iterator that will make things a tiny bit more efficient.

(updated using code from @Acumenus)

from more_itertools import sliced

index_slices = sliced(range(len(df)), CHUNK_SIZE)

for index_slice in index_slices:
  chunk = df.iloc[index_slice] # your dataframe chunk ready for use

Solution 3

I love @ScottBoston answer, although, I still haven't memorized the incantation. Here's a more verbose function that does the same thing:

def chunkify(df: pd.DataFrame, chunk_size: int):
    start = 0
    length = df.shape[0]

    # If DF is smaller than the chunk, return the DF
    if length <= chunk_size:
        yield df[:]

    # Yield individual chunks
    while start + chunk_size <= length:
        yield df[start:chunk_size + start]
        start = start + chunk_size

    # Yield the remainder chunk, if needed
    if start < length:
        yield df[start:]

To rebuild the data frame, accumulate each chunk in a list, then pd.concat(chunks, axis=1)


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Walt Reed
Author by

Walt Reed

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Walt Reed
    Walt Reed almost 2 years

    I have a large dataframe (>3MM rows) that I'm trying to pass through a function (the one below is largely simplified), and I keep getting a Memory Error message.

    I think I'm passing too large of a dataframe into the function, so I'm trying to:

    1) Slice the dataframe into smaller chunks (preferably sliced by AcctName)

    2) Pass the dataframe into the function

    3) Concatenate the dataframes back into one large dataframe

    def trans_times_2(df):
        df['Double_Transaction'] = df['Transaction'] * 2
    AcctName   Timestamp    Transaction
    ABC        12/1         12.12
    ABC        12/2         20.89
    ABC        12/3         51.93    
    DEF        12/2         13.12
    DEF        12/8          9.93
    DEF        12/9         92.09
    GHI        12/1         14.33
    GHI        12/6         21.99
    GHI        12/12        98.81

    I know that my function works properly, since it will work on a smaller dataframe (e.g. 40,000 rows). I tried the following, but I was unsuccessful with concatenating the small dataframes back into one large dataframe.

    def split_df(df):
        new_df = []
        AcctNames = df.AcctName.unique()
        DataFrameDict = {elem: pd.DataFrame for elem in AcctNames}
        key_list = [k for k in DataFrameDict.keys()]
        new_df = []
        for key in DataFrameDict.keys():
            DataFrameDict[key] = df[:][df.AcctNames == key]
        rejoined_df = pd.concat(new_df)

    How I envision the dataframes being split:

    AcctName   Timestamp    Transaction  Double_Transaction
    ABC        12/1         12.12        24.24
    ABC        12/2         20.89        41.78
    ABC        12/3         51.93        103.86
    AcctName   Timestamp    Transaction  Double_Transaction
    DEF        12/2         13.12        26.24
    DEF        12/8          9.93        19.86
    DEF        12/9         92.09        184.18
    AcctName   Timestamp    Transaction  Double_Transaction
    GHI        12/1         14.33        28.66
    GHI        12/6         21.99        43.98
    GHI        12/12        98.81        197.62
  • Walt Reed
    Walt Reed almost 7 years
    Thanks Scott! Is there a way to split into smaller dataframes based on AcctName instead of chunk size?
  • Scott Boston
    Scott Boston almost 7 years
    @WaltReed Try that second part using groupby.
  • Walt Reed
    Walt Reed almost 7 years
    Okay great, that worked! I'm calling this inside a function, but when I try to view the new dataframe after running the function, I get the error NameError: name 'new_df' is not defined. What am I missing here?
  • Scott Boston
    Scott Boston almost 7 years
    If you created that list onside the function then it is a local variable. You may need to put the keyword global in front of list_df = []
  • Asclepius
    Asclepius over 3 years
    Can use len(df) instead of df.shape[0].
  • santon
    santon over 2 years
    Can't you just do something a bit more direct: for chunk in sliced(df, CHUNK_SIZE)?
  • roganjosh
    roganjosh about 2 years
    Your numpy method is not equivalent to the list comprehension. I think you intended it to be np.array_split(df, math.ceil(len(df) / N))? If the intention was to show two different approaches to chunking a df, I think the numpy method warrants some initial explanation. Even using math.ceil() wouldn't guarantee the same behaviour as shown in the second example in the docs
  • Martin Ueding
    Martin Ueding almost 2 years
    @santon: Yes, no difference. The generator can only be iterated once anyway, so it doesn't make much sense to store it as a variable.