pass username and password to get-credential or run sql query without using invoke-sqlcmd in Powershell


Your command isn't working because the -password attribute is expecting the password as a plain-text string, not the SecureString value you're passing it.

Although it looks like you're trying to use two different methods for executing the SQL - ie using the assemblies as well as using invoke-sqlcmd.

If using invoke-sqlcmd, you don't need to load the assemblies and do all the other stuff.

All you need to do to get your invoke-sqlcmd to work is to convert your password to plain-text:

$serverName = "HLSQLSRV03"
$DB = "Master" 
$credential = Get-Credential 
$userName = $credential.UserName.Replace("\","")  
$pass = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().password  

invoke-sqlcmd -query "select @@Servername" -database $DB -serverinstance $servername -username $username -password $pass
Author by


Windows Network admin for 7 years, SQL Server admin since 2009 for a fairly large US retailer. Use SQL and Powershell daily

Updated on June 15, 2022


  • Emo
    Emo almost 2 years

    I am trying to connect to a remote sql database and simply run the "select @@servername" query in Powershell. I'm trying to do this without using integrated security. I've been struggling with "get-credential" and "invoke-sqlcmd", only to find (I think), that you can't pass the password from "get-credential" to another Powershell cmdlets.

    Here's the code I'm using:

    add-pssnapin sqlserverprovidersnapin100
    add-pssnapin sqlservercmdletsnapin100
    # load assemblies
    [Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo, `
          Version=, Culture=neutral, `
    [Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum, `
          Version=, Culture=neutral, `
    [Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum, `
          Version=, Culture=neutral, `
    [Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo, `
          Version=, Culture=neutral, `PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91")
    # connect to SQL Server
    $serverName = "HLSQLSRV03"
    $server = New-Object -typeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server -argumentList $serverName
    # login using SQL authentication
    $credential = Get-Credential
    $userName = $credential.UserName -replace("\\","")
    $pass = $credential.Password
    $DB = "Master"
    invoke-sqlcmd -query "select @@Servername" -database $DB -serverinstance $servername -username $username -password $pass

    If if just hardcode the password in at the end of the "invoke-sqlcmd" line, it works. Is this because you can't use "get-credential" with "invoke-sqlcmd"?

    If so...what are my alternatives?

    Thanks so much for you help
