Passing Arguments: MIPS


No need to use lw which is for extracting words from memory. You can simply use $a0 in the sub-routine.

Take a look at this example of a "print-char" function:



    #save $ra on stack
    addi $sp $sp -4
    sw   $fp 0($sp)
    move $fp $sp
    addi $sp $sp -4
    sw   $ra  -4($fp)

    #call sub-routine
    addi $a0 $zero 'A'
    jal printchar

    #restore and shrink stack
    lw $ra  -4($fp)
    lw $fp   0($fp)
    addi $sp $sp 8

    jr $ra

#prints a char and then a new line

    #call print-char syscall
    addi $v0 $zero 11

    addi $a0 $zero 10

    jr $ra

As demonstrated, you the value of the $a0 register is just used in the sub-routine as it returns the value that it was given before the jal.

Also demonstrated is proper expansion and shrinking of the stack as is necessary for calling a sub-routing. As you will notice, the sub-routine does not perform this operation as it does not call a sub-routine and there-fore does not need to save the $ra. Stack manipulations would also be required in the sub-routine if it were to use an $s register as the MIPS calling convention specifies these as callee saved.

Victor Brunell
Author by

Victor Brunell

Updated on March 28, 2021


  • Victor Brunell
    Victor Brunell over 3 years

    I'd like to pass a character as an argument to a function in MIPS. Do I do this by storing the character into register $a0, use jal to move to the function, then extract what's in $a0 into a separate register using lw?

    If someone could give me an example of passing an argument or two in MIPS, I'd really appreciate it. I've found a lot of info on the MIPS calling conventions, but not any simple and succinct examples.

  • BananaBuisness
    BananaBuisness almost 8 years
    Why are you doing manipulations on the stack? is it essential?
  • Konrad Lindenbach
    Konrad Lindenbach almost 8 years
    @AsafFisher You must store the value of the $ra somewhere when you call a subroutine as jal overwrites it.This could be done by using an $s register, but I was just demonstrating the general method for saving $ra on the stack with manipulation of $sp and $fp.
  • BananaBuisness
    BananaBuisness almost 8 years
    Ok so why not using only sp? Why are you using also fp?
  • Konrad Lindenbach
    Konrad Lindenbach almost 8 years
    @AsafFisher Using $fp, the frame pointer, allows for dynamic allocation on the stack within the function. I've heard it said that $fp is rarely used in hand-written assembly, and you're certainly free to leave it out -- it's not necessary in this example.
  • john ktejik
    john ktejik about 6 years
    What about if you have to pass in a lot of parameters?
  • ggorlen
    ggorlen over 3 years
    @KonradLindenbach Stack manipulations would also be required in the sub-routine if it were to use an $s register as the MIPS calling convention specifies these as caller saved. I think you mean callee saved here since the function that was called is required to preserve the $s registers. Your other answer correctly says "$s registers are callee saved."
  • ggorlen
    ggorlen over 3 years