Passing (laravel) Array in Javascript


Solution 1

var app = @json($array);

Works like a charm

Solution 2

you can use json_encode()

var array = {{ json_encode($theArray) }};

or parse the json string using JSON.parse()

var array = JSON.parse('{{ json_encode($theArray) }}');

Solution 3

This works for me :)

var array =  {!! json_encode($theArray) !!};

Solution 4

Sometimes you may pass an array to your view with the intention of rendering it as JSON in order to initialize a JavaScript variable. For example:

    var app = <?php echo json_encode($array); ?>;

However, instead of manually calling json_encode, you may use the @json Blade directive. The @json directive accepts the same arguments as PHP's json_encode function:

    var app = @json($array);

    var app = @json($array, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

The @json directive is also useful for seeding Vue components or data-* attributes:

<example-component :some-prop='@json($array)'></example-component>

Solution 5

you have enclodse with quotes,or use json_encode()

var array = "{{ $theArray }}";
            ^               ^

or, if the value in an array()

var array = "{{ json_encode($theArray) }}";
            ^                            ^

Without having quotes around javascript variable, it will throw you error. you can check in your console.

Author by


Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger...

Updated on January 28, 2022


  • senty
    senty over 2 years

    I want to pass/store Laravel array in JavaScript variable. I used ->all() so I get the result like this rather than object:

    array:83 [▼
      0 => 1
      1 => 11
      2 => 12

    I can access this in view using {{ $theArray }}.

    However whatever I tried, I couldn't make this to javascript array.

    I tried

    var array = {{ $theArray }};

    var array = {{{ $theArray }}};

    I feel like I'm close but I couldn't figure it out

  • senty
    senty over 8 years
    htmlentities() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
  • Fai Zal Dong
    Fai Zal Dong over 6 years
    I'm not sure why I got Unexpected token if using this {{ }}. then I change to {!! !!} then this will work. maybe cuz of laravel version
  • Derek Brown
    Derek Brown over 6 years
    your answer was flagged as low quality because of length. Consider expanding your answer to explain how it works.
  • Mateus Felipe
    Mateus Felipe about 6 years
    Your answer is the most concise and works like the others. Don't know why it' not the selected answer. What @DerekBrown said doesn't makes sense, as the other answers also doesn't explain how works.
  • Muhmmad Aziz
    Muhmmad Aziz almost 6 years
    {{ }} will escape the output string, hence the error. while {!! !!} doesn't, it outputs the string as is. check the documentation
  • Muhmmad Aziz
    Muhmmad Aziz almost 6 years
    Thumps up for this answer. It uses the laravel blade directive instead of the manual way above.
  • Rafael Moura
    Rafael Moura over 5 years
    I learnig more one method fantastic, thanks friend work with charm
  • Farid Abbas
    Farid Abbas almost 5 years
    its working .. as its predefine method in laravel for javascript
  • senty
    senty over 4 years
    @MateusFelipe it was not selected answer because the OP was from 2015 and this answer is 2018, that's a nice way, and that's the version I use now everyday. Fyi, I marked it as selected answer :)
  • ManuEl Magak
    ManuEl Magak over 4 years
    worked well for me. You could also use blade helper @json($theArray) . still works the same
  • Delmontee
    Delmontee almost 2 years
    Yes! This is the perfect solution for passing a Laravel array directly through to javascript