Paypal Sandbox Do Direct Payment Internal Error 10001 Timeout Processing Request


Solution 1

Yeah, I'm getting the same thing. I tested my code on their production URL and it worked just fine.

Given how much they are focused on developers, it's amazing how horrible their API is. I can get points and follow other people on their little social network,, but I CAN'T TELL WHAT THE CURRENT VERSION OF THE API IS!?! (You have to view the source of the webpage and find it embedded in an HTML comment) </rant>

Solution 2

From what I've read around, this can be a sign of malformed data. In my case, I was sending the form as


instead of


I hadn't read anywhere in the docs about form encoding, but as soon as I changed it the PP server got a lot more friendly.

Solution 3

I believe its Pay Pals defence againest attacks. Theres certain procedures that action in the code

Author by


Updated on June 09, 2022


  • Adam
    Adam almost 2 years

    This is in an MVC2 project, so I'm using C# in ASP. This is what I'm sending to

    VERSION = 65.0
    SIGNATURE = AFcWxV21C7fd0v3bYYYRCpSSRl31AxdW2pQp.tWHTjGNcHflR-LJhJ0t
    USER =
    PWD = 1283487748
    AMOUNT = 50.00
    ACCT = 4031477440127509
    EXPDATE = 12/2015
    CVV2 =123
    METHOD = DoDirectPayment

    I can GetBalance, I can produce other errors when I intentionally send something wrong, but DoDirectPayment or DoAuthorization returns this:

    TIMESTAMP = 2010-12-24T03:35:10Z
    CORRELATIONID = 2ca329fdbe3c0
    ACK = Failure
    L_ERRORCODE0 = 10001
    L_SHORTMESSAGE0 = Internal Error
    L_LONGMESSAGE0 = Timeout processing request

    Why Am I getting this error?

  • Adam
    Adam over 13 years
    I eventually got it worked out with Paypal, and found out there IS a bug with their sandbox environment. It only makes working accounts with Payments Pro activated properly about a third of the time. Paypal support worked with me, and we simply kept making new accounts until we got one that worked. I could go into a rant as well about how messed up of a solution that is, but I was just happy to get it working.
  • rmoore
    rmoore about 12 years
    Thanks Adam, was tearing out my hair trying to get it working on the sandbox. Also, I can't believe stuff like this is still an issue.
  • Constantin
    Constantin about 12 years
    yeah here the same, with multipart/form-data i had "10001 - Internal server error" as response from paypal, but as soon i switched to application/x-www-form-urlencoded it was ACK = Success :)
  • mikermcneil
    mikermcneil over 11 years
    I was having this problem w/ MassPay, and this was the solution that resolved my problem (however it gave way to The%20user%20account%20needs%20to%20have%20its%20sending%20l‌​imit%20removed%20in%‌​20order%20to%20make%‌​20a%20mass%20payment‌​%2e)
  • dAngelov
    dAngelov about 8 years
    Thanks! This finally did it for me.