PDFJS is not defined in pdf.worker.js (Backbone+Marionette+pdf.js)


I got the pdf viewer to work. Instead of using:

 PDFJS.workerSrc = "/js/pdf.worker.js";

I just disabled the worker like this:

 PDFJS.disableWorker = true;

Now it magically works. Not sure why though.

Author by


Updated on June 05, 2022


  • emiel187
    emiel187 almost 2 years

    I want to render a PDF inside a Backbone.js/Marionette View with pdf.js, but PDFJS is not defined in pdf.worker.js. It is however defined in the Backbone View itself and also accessible via the console.

    This is the code for the View:

    module.exports = PDFView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
        template: require('../../../templates/pdf_frame.hbs'),
        onRender: function(){
            var PDF_PATH = '../../pdf/websummitpitch.pdf';
            var PAGE_NUMBER = 1;
            var PAGE_SCALE = 1.5;
            var SVG_NS = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
            if (PDFJS) {
                console.log("PDFJS is loaded in Backbone View");
            } else {
                console.log("PDFJS is NOT loaded in Backbone View");
            PDFJS.workerSrc = "/js/pdf.worker.js";
            console.log("workerSrc is set to ", PDFJS.workerSrc);
            // Loading document and page text content
            PDFJS.getDocument({url: PDF_PATH}).then(function (pdfDocument) {
                console.log("get document");
                pdfDocument.getPage(PAGE_NUMBER).then(function (page) {
                    console.log("get page");
                    var viewport = page.getViewport(PAGE_SCALE);
                    page.getTextContent().then(function (textContent) {
                        // building SVG and adding that to the DOM
                        var svg = this.buildSVG(viewport, textContent);
                        // render svg in <canvas id="render"> in template
        buildSVG: function(viewport, textContent) {
            // Building SVG with size of the viewport (for simplicity)
            var svg = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, 'svg:svg');
            svg.setAttribute('width', viewport.width + 'px');
            svg.setAttribute('height', viewport.height + 'px');
            // items are transformed to have 1px font size
            svg.setAttribute('font-size', 1);
            // processing all items
            textContent.items.forEach(function (textItem) {
                // we have to take in account viewport transform, which incudes scale,
                // rotation and Y-axis flip, and not forgetting to flip text.
                var tx = PDFJS.Util.transform(
                    PDFJS.Util.transform(viewport.transform, textItem.transform),
                    [1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0]);
                var style = textContent.styles[textItem.fontName];
                // adding text element
                var text = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, 'svg:text');
                text.setAttribute('transform', 'matrix(' + tx.join(' ') + ')');
                text.setAttribute('font-family', style.fontFamily);
                text.textContent = textItem.str;
            return svg;

    This is the console output: console output The blue is console input, so PDFJS is accessible via the console.

    This is where the reference error occurs (in pdf.worker.js):

    PDFJS.version = '1.0.233';

    It is one of the very first lines, where the version number is set. However PDFJS seems to be undefined.

    This is my question:

    Why is it not defined? How should I fix this?