PHP Passing $_FILES and $_POST as parameters to function


$_POST and $_FILES are superglobal arrays, they are always available, and redefining them in a function or method is a bad idea.

You can do something like this:



function uploadImageChosen(){
           $path = "../uploads/images/";
           $valid_formats = array("jpg", "png", "gif", "bmp");
$name = $_FILES['photoimg']['name'];

Or if you need copies in the local scope do it like this:

$uploadInstance->uploadImageChosen($_FILES, $_POST);


function uploadImageChosen($files, $post){
               $path = "../uploads/images/";
               $valid_formats = array("jpg", "png", "gif", "bmp");
$name = $files['photoimg']['name'];
Author by


Updated on August 21, 2022


  • sys_debug
    sys_debug over 1 year

    I searched online for a code that does PHP image upload using ajax. I found the code attached below. The issue is that I changed few things (minor tweaks) to make it work on my server. Originally it was just a php page (not a class or function) that handles the data posted from form. I made it into class then function. I am following OOP now. I thought the best way to do things in the conversion from procedural to OOP was to pass $_FILES and $_POST to a method and inside deal with them. I think this didn't work. Look at the example and please advise on how to go forward.

    function uploadImageChosen($_FILES, $_POST){
                $path = "../uploads/images/";
                $valid_formats = array("jpg", "png", "gif", "bmp");
                $connectionInstance = new ConnectionClass();
                $imgDir = $_POST['directory'];
                if(isset($_POST) and $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST")
                    $name = $_FILES['photoimg']['name'];
                    $imgSize = $_FILES['photoimg']['size'];
                        list($txt, $ext) = explode(".", $name);
                                $imgName = time().substr(str_replace(" ", "_", $txt), 5).".".$ext;
                                $tmp = $_FILES['photoimg']['tmp_name'];
                                if(move_uploaded_file($tmp, $path.$imgName))
                                    $imgURL = $path.$imgName;
                                    $connectionInstance->query("INSERT INTO imagesupload(id, title, url, size, directory) VALUES (null, '$imgName','$imgURL', '$imgSize', '$imgDir')");
                                    //echo "<img src='uploads/".$imgName."'  class='preview'>";
                                    echo "failed";
                                echo "Image file size max 1 MB";                    
                            echo "Invalid file format..";   
                    echo "Please select image..!";
              }//end of if      
            }//end of function

    As to the page where the class function is being called, here it is:

        $uploadInstance = new UploadImages();
        $uploadInstance->uploadImageChosen($_FILES, $_POST);

    Thank you very much :)