PHP -Sanitize values of a array


Solution 1

Have a look at array_map

$a = array(
'title' => 'Title',
'data' => array(
    'hdr' => 'Header',
    'bdy' => 'Body'
'foo' => array(1, 23, 65)

$b = array_map("strip_tags", $a);

Update for 2D array:

function array_map_r( $func, $arr )
    $newArr = array();

    foreach( $arr as $key => $value )
        $newArr[ $key ] = ( is_array( $value ) ? array_map_r( $func, $value ) : ( is_array($func) ? call_user_func_array($func, $value) : $func( $value ) ) );

    return $newArr;


$a = array(
'title' => 'Title',
'data' => array(
    'hdr' => 'Header',
    'bdy' => 'Body'
'foo' => array(1, 23, 65)

$ar =array_map_r('strip_tags', $a);

Note I found this just by searching the comments for Dimension

Solution 2

Just use the filter extension.

/* prevent XSS. */
$_GET   = filter_input_array(INPUT_GET, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

This will sanitize your $_GET and $_POST.

Solution 3

function strip($string, $allowed_tags = NULL)
    if (is_array($string))
        foreach ($string as $k => $v)
            $string[$k] = strip($v, $allowed_tags);
        return $string;

    return strip_tags($string, $allowed_tags);

Just an example of a recursive function, for stripping tags in this case.

$arr = strip($arr);

Solution 4

This looks ok, but please comment if it can be improved or has any misgivings:

$_GET =filter_var_array($_GET);

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I'm still learning so I'm only here to ask questions :P

Updated on April 19, 2020


  • Alex
    Alex about 4 years

    I have a array, which comes from $_POST[] and can have other arrays in it as values, like:

     'title' => 'Title',
     'data' => array(
                 'hdr' => 'Header'
                 'bdy' => 'Body'
      'foo' => array(1, 23, 65),

    How can I sanitize all values of this big array? for eg. apply a strip_tags() to values like Title, Header, Body, 1, 23, 65 etc ?

    • Your Common Sense
      Your Common Sense about 13 years
      I hope you wont use this idea of sanitization for the SQL escaping
    • Alex
      Alex about 13 years
      no, this is done before inserting this in SQL
  • Alex
    Alex about 13 years
    But I get Warning: strip_tags() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given. I think it doesn't work for 2nd level+ arrays...
  • Zubair1
    Zubair1 about 13 years
    @Col. Shrapnel: Actually according to array_walk_recursive() - Any key that holds an array will not be passed to the function. I was just testing out array_walk_recursive() behavior and its quite different than the solution above, plus array_walk_recursive() seems to be buggy too.
  • Will Palmer
    Will Palmer over 11 years
    1) this wouldn't work recursively, a key point in the question. 2) never sanitise values on the input end. Always sanitise them on the output end, as it is the output (be it to html, database, xml, json, etc) which defines the requirements. The above code runs a serious risk of leaving one open to SQL Injection attacks, for example.
  • Marc Tremblay
    Marc Tremblay over 11 years
    The question was not to sanitize for SQL injections. It was to strip the tags. I think it's better to use Prepared Statement for this purpose. The code I wrote dosen't strip the tags, it just rewrites those html special chars as displayable format format ex.: "&eacute". Of course you can replace htmlspecialchars by strip_tags. Depends on what you want to do!
  • Will Palmer
    Will Palmer over 11 years
    Prepared statements do indeed protect against SQL injection, but they are also a form of sanitising at the output, rather than the input. Never sanitise at the input, and certainly never do both :). The intended goal is to make things sane for output into HTML, not to break them for every other potential purpose. This code is what magic_quotes_gpc would look like if people cared more about XSS attacks than SQL injection. It is bad. Don't do it. Don't do anything similar to it.
  • alev
    alev about 2 years
    FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING has been deprecated in PHP 8.1 FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS is the closest replacement that's still valid.