phpMyAdmin cannot login - keeps asking for credentials


Got it working, no idea what exactly fixed it.

  1. Install php-mcrypt (I found that somewhere on google)
  2. Clear all cookies
  3. Set correct timezone and enable NTP (also from some forums)
  4. Edit /etc/php/php.ini and enable, and default timezone
  5. Sacrifice one black goat

Now it works again :)


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • MightyPork
    MightyPork almost 2 years

    I have phpmyadmin on my Arch linux box, it is running, so is apache with php and mysql.

    When I go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/, it shows the usual login prompt. However, no matter what I enter, pressing the submit button redirects me right back to the login form, with no error message or anything.

    It worked a day or two back just fine.

    What could possibly be wrong?

    • MightyPork
      MightyPork almost 10 years
      Thanks for downvote, much appreciated. Very constructive.
    • Cornelius
      Cornelius almost 10 years
      Try with different broswers.
    • MightyPork
      MightyPork almost 10 years
      Tried, didn't make any difference.
  • MightyPork
    MightyPork almost 10 years
    I have a configured password and I can log in using the shell. This is not the problem.
  • arielnmz
    arielnmz almost 10 years
    Clear all cookies → There's your solution.
  • MightyPork
    MightyPork almost 10 years
    actually that is quite certainly not the thing that solved it. After clearing cookies, the problem persisted...
  • arielnmz
    arielnmz almost 10 years
    That's strange, when a package is missing it normally throws an error. By the way why are you still using phpmyadmin? Use Adminer instead.
  • MightyPork
    MightyPork almost 10 years
    Well.. I've used it for years, never let me down until now. What's some reasons to switch to adminer?
  • arielnmz
    arielnmz almost 10 years
    Well, it's the updated version of phpmyadmin, phpmyadmin is no longer under active dev so it won't support newer db versions. Give it a shot, you won't be deceived.
  • RiggsFolly
    RiggsFolly almost 10 years
    @arielnmz Are you sure about the 'Not under active dev'. They are releasing updates almost weekly.
  • arielnmz
    arielnmz almost 10 years
    @RiggsFolly By active dev I mean adding new features and improvements. The last versions have been only bugfixes, check this and also read the description of Adminer on their home.
  • RiggsFolly
    RiggsFolly almost 10 years
    @arielnmz Dont get me wrong, I was just interested. I am certainly no phpMyAdmin evangelist, only use it when I have to. I have to say I dont think adminer is any better, and certainly not a better interface.
  • arielnmz
    arielnmz almost 10 years
    Well, of course that has to do with personal taste, personally I prefer adminer's ui, but again, it's about personal taste. I don't it's any better too, I just suggested its usage since phpmyadmin is being left aside for the good of adminer, speaking about development and support.
  • Pacerier
    Pacerier over 9 years
    @arielnmz, Hmm, it does seem to be still actively being developed with new features.
  • Pacerier
    Pacerier over 9 years
    @MightyPork, It's the first line that solved your problem.
  • Toskan
    Toskan about 8 years
    @Pacerier NO! the first line does NOT solve the problem
  • Toskan
    Toskan about 8 years
    for me this helped:…