PHPStorm/Webstorm increase memory to more than 512MB


Solution 1

Make sure that PhpStorm use 64-bit Java and not bundled one (which is 32-bit). You an check that in Help | About.

Generally speaking: with 64-bit Java you do not have to change that value as it works a bit differently compared to 32-bit one.

1) PhpStorm comes with bundled x86 Java and it is the first one that it tries; only then it looks for other Java installations -- check PhpStorm.bat for details (what environment variables and in which order). By defining one of those environment variables (which will point to your 64-bit Java installation) you can tell PhpStorm to use instead of bundled one.

2) PhpStorm v8 (currently in EAP stage) comes with 64-bit specific files: you should use PhpStorm64.exe and not PhpStorm.exe (same for .vmoptions file -- it should be PhpStorm64.exe.vmoptions).

I'm not sure how PhpStorm v7 works with 64-bit Java -- have never tried it this way myself.

Selecting the JDK version the IDE will run under

Solution 2

Changing memory settings for PHPStorm now has a menu option:enter image description here

Solution 3

After reading this post, I switched to 64bit version (after installing correct JDK) and increased designated memory to 2GB just to shut it up. But I still hit the ceiling, freezes et.c.

Eventually realized, that I had my bower_componentsfolder tracked. Folders like this with tons of javascript-files et.c. will basically eat all ram in the world (I also exclude node_modules folder now, same story). So I right-clicked the folder > Mark directory as > Exluded. After some garbage-collection, bumped PhpStorm's memory footprint down to 5-600mb, which seems reasonable.

Solution 4

PhpStorm 2016.1 and newer

As of PhpStorm 2016.1 instead of WEBIDE_JDK_64 one should use JAVA_HOME environment variable that should point to your JVM path.

Versions prior PhpStorm 2016.1

Like it was mentioned in the @LazyOne's answer, as of PhpStorm v8 (already released), you can use PhpStorm64.exe. But I wasn't able to find any description on how to specify the JVM path for it. The document that explains how to select the JDK version, seems to be a bit outdated.

After some research, I discovered that you should create WEBIDE_JDK_64 environment variable that should point to the JRE 64-bit installation path. After doing this, you will be able to start PhpStorm64.exe.

By default it sets max memory to 750mb. If you need more, you can modify the C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\PhpStorm 8\bin\PhpStorm64.exe.vmoptions. The better idea, however, would be to edit your user's vmoptions file. Just copy C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\PhpStorm 8\bin\PhpStorm64.exe.vmoptions to %USERPROFILE%\.IntelliJIdea12\idea.vmoptions and set -Xmx750m to a higher value.

Solution 5

Simply File > Invalidates Caches / Restart... works for me. 👌😀

Author by


"Nothing is ever easy." — Zedd

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Ron
    Ron almost 2 years

    I'm using PHPStorm under Win7 64bit with 64bit Java (latest version I guess) and working currently on an insanely big and chaotic project. There are many classes containing 10k LOC and more. Therefore my PHPStorm runs out of memory once in a while.

    I get this nice Out-of-Memory dialog suggesting increasing my memory settings. I currently have set in my PhpStorm.exe.vmoptions:


    The problem is: When I increase my memory to be used in this file I get the following error when starting the program:

    Failed to create JVM: Error code -4

    I Googled around but nobody seems to want the memory to be more than 512MB.

    Does anybody know what I can do to use PHPStorm without any hassle again?

    Sure, I can reset the cache but this is not a permanent solution, right?

    I read somewhere that adding this line to my vmoptions is a good idea, but I don't see any difference:

  • Ron
    Ron almost 10 years
    I seems that it doesn't like the 64bit at all. I added the WEBIDE_JDK enviroment var and now nothing is happening when I want to start the program...
  • LazyOne
    LazyOne almost 10 years… -- maybe you have provided wrong path?
  • Ron
    Ron almost 10 years
    I'm pretty sure I have the right path... But the v8 seems to work and I can manipulate the memory settings! Do you know if this option is good to use: XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=15?
  • LazyOne
    LazyOne almost 10 years
    Sorry -- not a Java/JVM person, at all.
  • Michael J. Calkins
    Michael J. Calkins about 9 years
    In order to solve this one it was a combination of this answer and the bottom answer.
  • G. Ghez
    G. Ghez about 9 years
    Thank for information, I just do this for WebStorm and it's working better now.
  • Buttle Butkus
    Buttle Butkus over 8 years
    I had an 81MB xdebug profiler output I tried to open in PhpStorm 9.0.2. After over 10 minutes of trying, it gave me "out of memory" error. I realized I was running 32 bit PHPS. I increased Xmx to 2048 from 512, but then PHPS32 wouldn't start an all (why?). I tried PHPS64, but I was missing the JDK, so it wouldn't start either. After installing 64 bit JDK from here (…), PHPS64 started, but still ran out of memory after 10 minutes with default Xms of 750. But after I increased Xms to 2048, the profile opened in 2s!
  • manishie
    manishie over 8 years
    Crazy memory/cpu usage has been killing me for weeks. This fixed it right away. Thanks!
  • steampowered
    steampowered about 8 years
    Currently you must set the environment variable for the jdk OR edit the startup batch file. Then you must always start Webstorm with a batch file to use x64 (as of now). Here are IntelliJ's instructions for switching to the 64-bit JDK:…
  • Ron
    Ron almost 8 years
    Good hint but the problem was that we couldn't increase the memory because of the 32bit limitations.
  • Ernestas Stankevičius
    Ernestas Stankevičius almost 8 years
    I know, but though that maybe someone will need only to change memory and because SO is already like devs wiki.
  • v0d1ch
    v0d1ch almost 8 years
    yup mark directory -> excluded is a life saver, this needs to be in JetBrains docs
  • vknyvz
    vknyvz about 7 years
    thanks, i got a $3k macbook pro with 16gb ram still slows down after 2-3 hours of work, increased to 2.5gb let's see how this works out.
  • ylastapis
    ylastapis almost 7 years
    Thx for the tip :)
  • Andrew
    Andrew about 6 years
    Wow.... excluding vendor & giant asset folders. . . saved the day instantly, thanks! (PhpStorm)
  • Ron
    Ron almost 3 years
    maybe this is the modern way to go. my post is quite ancient :)
  • frutality
    frutality about 2 years
    Few years ago excluding directories worked for me very well. But with 2022 version I had to really delete logs and other temp files from excluded directories to reduce memory usage. However it's different with node_modules: excluding this directory helps.