phpunit command doesn't work for laravel 4 on windows 7


Solution 1

The solution for me:

php vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit

This, of course, assumes you've set up a php environment variable in Windows

Solution 2

As Unnawut said, it doesn't work because vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit is not a native Windows executable. You need a .bat or .cmd file that will basically call 'php phpunit'. There should be one in vendor/bin, but to make life easy, try this - create a file phpunit.bat (or .cmd) at the root of your site, containing this:

SET BIN_TARGET=%~dp0/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit
php "%BIN_TARGET%" %*

Now you can call phpunit from the command line at the root of the site.

Solution 3

If you are a window user and you are having this issue, do this:

You need to tell Window where to find PHPUnit command, you can first of all verify that this file exists in your Laravel project under /vendor/bin

enter image description here

Finally you need to append the full path to /vendor/bin in your window PATH variable,

To do this: 1. Right-click on 'Computer' then click properties

enter image description here

  1. On the second window click Advanced system settings

enter image description here

  1. On the next window under Advanced click Environmental Variables

enter image description here

  1. On the next window double-click PATH then set PATH variable by appending

the full path to your laravel-project/vendor/bin; Notice the ; at the end.

NB: Other variables might already exists in the PATH, so ensure you don't overwrite them by appending your own at the very end

  1. Finally click Ok on all the dialog boxes

enter image description here

Solution 4

alias phpunit="vendor/bin/phpunit"

Solution 5

I added this command in command line instead of just "phpunit"


That worked for me.


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Ramin Omrani
Author by

Ramin Omrani

I am a software developer based in Rome, Italy, with a particular focus on the web. I became passionate about programming at the age of 14 when I was a member of the Robocup students' team of Tehran. Since then, my passion for learning new tools and trends in programming has never stopped.

Updated on June 14, 2022


  • Ramin Omrani
    Ramin Omrani about 2 years

    I've recently installed laravel and have written some tests in /tests directory but when I use phpunit at cmd in the same folder that phpunit.xml exists, it says 'phpunit' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.. I'm using windows 7. what should I do?

    • Ramin Omrani
      Ramin Omrani about 10 years
      Yes I mean installed it
    • Rahil Wazir
      Rahil Wazir about 10 years
      Did you set the environmental variable?
    • Ramin Omrani
      Ramin Omrani about 10 years
      Environment variables for what?
    • Rahil Wazir
      Rahil Wazir about 10 years
      To be able to run commands with phpunit. It was working before?
    • Ramin Omrani
      Ramin Omrani about 10 years
      no it wasn't , so you mean I should add the phpunit executable to PATH yeah?
    • Rahil Wazir
      Rahil Wazir about 10 years
      Big yes! If it isn't already. Try echo %PATH% in cmd and see the output contain phpunit
  • Unnawut
    Unnawut about 10 years
    composer update and after that do vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit from the folder you have phpunit.xml
  • Unnawut
    Unnawut about 10 years
    Oh well I guess that's as far as I could help. Good luck!
  • Blue
    Blue almost 8 years
    While this code snippet may solve the question, including an explanation really helps to improve the quality of your post. Remember that you are answering the question for readers in the future, and those people might not know the reasons for your code suggestion. Please also try not to crowd your code with explanatory comments, as this reduces the readability of both the code and the explanations!
  • Sajidur Rahman
    Sajidur Rahman over 6 years
    Thanks for detailed explanation. Solves my problem.
  • Mark Walet
    Mark Walet over 6 years
    It wasn't saying that. The error message was something else
  • vimuth
    vimuth about 6 years
    I explained a bit more :)
  • Arno van Oordt
    Arno van Oordt over 4 years
    Or you can add ./vendor/bin to the PATH environment variable. This way you can just call phpunit from any Laravel root folder.
  • Crazy World
    Crazy World about 4 years
    @ArnovanOordtPlease submit your comment as an answer to this question. It easy to implement, is permanent and has global scope. It is the best answer here and deserves it's own post.