Place holder or watermark in TextBox windows 8


Solution 1

Edit for they have introduced a new property

<TextBox x:Name="UserName" PlaceholderText="User Name"/>

Please see Sergey Aldoukhov's answer

For me this is the working solution that I got.
If any one has better solution please answer.

private void OnTestTextBoxGotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    if (testTextBox.Text.Equals("Type here...", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
        testTextBox.Text = string.Empty;

private void OnTestTextBoxLostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(testTextBox.Text))
        testTextBox.Text = "Type here...";

MS also do the same check the example here.

P.S. I have created a custom control for TextBox you can download it from here

Solution 2

In Windows 8.1, TextBox has a PlaceholderText property:

    PlaceholderText="User Name"

Solution 3

The WinRT Xaml Toolkit has a WatermarkTextbox Control:

You can get it via NuGet as well, it comes with several other usefull Controls.

you can use it by referncing the toolkit in your Page´s property´s:


And the just access the WaterMarkTextBox like this:

<xtk:WatermarkTextBox WatermarkText="some text" />


Callisto offers a watermark TextBox too:

Its just not mentioned in the readme yet.

Solution 4

In case you are using WPF, you are looking for a watermark, check out the following stackoverflow answer

Solution 5

What you can do is you can set a default text and clear it using tapped event of textbox or you can use the watermark text box see here

Inder Kumar Rathore
Author by

Inder Kumar Rathore

Develops mobile applications (primarily iOS) Open source work LinkedIn profile Personal Site: 📧rathore619🌀gmail🔘com But before emailing please read Jon Skeet's blog post on Stack Overflow-related emails first. Blogs Property in Objective - C

Updated on June 15, 2022


  • Inder Kumar Rathore
    Inder Kumar Rathore about 2 years

    I want to show a placeholder text in TextBox when user hasn't typed anything and TextBox is idle.

    In Andriod it can be done using android:hint="some Text"
    In iPhone it can be done as textFild.placeholder = "some text";

    How can I do it in windows 8 metro apps?


  • Nicolas Voron
    Nicolas Voron about 11 years
    Note that callisto provides a WatermarkTextbox, too. It's lighter than the WinRT Xaml Tollkit (which is a little bit "heavy" for just a such control).
  • Ostkontentitan
    Ostkontentitan about 11 years
    Thx i will add it to my answer!