Play ScalaJSON Reads[T] parsing ValidationError(error.path.missing,WrappedArray())


The error is telling you that instead of /switch_id it got an array. So it seems like you should read the JSON as a List[Switch] instead of just Switch

Assuming your Reads (didn't test them) are correct this should work:

val json: JsValue = Json.parse(jsonChunk)

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Updated on September 15, 2022


  • FoggyDew
    FoggyDew over 1 year

    i have a funny json data looking as:

    [ {
      "internal_network" : [ {
        "address" : [ {
          "address_id" : 2,
          "address" : ""
        }, {
          "address_id" : 1,
          "address" : ""
        } ]
      } ],
      "switch_id" : "0000000000000001"
    }, {
      "internal_network" : [ {
        "address" : [ {
          "address_id" : 2,
          "address" : ""
        }, {
          "address_id" : 1,
          "address" : ""
        }, {
          "address_id" : 3,
          "address" : ""
        } ]
      } ],
      "switch_id" : "0000000000000002"
    } ]

    i wrote case classes and custom reads:

      case class TheAddress(addr: (Int, String))
      implicit val theAddressReads: Reads[TheAddress] = (
        (__ \ "address_id").read[Int] and
          (__ \ "address").read[String] tupled) map (TheAddress.apply _)
      case class Addresses(addr: List[TheAddress])
      implicit val addressesReads: Reads[Addresses] =
        (__ \ "address").read(list[TheAddress](theAddressReads)) map (Addresses.apply _)
      case class TheSwitch(
        switch_id: String,
        address: List[Addresses] = Nil)
      implicit val theSwitchReads: Reads[TheSwitch] = (
        (__ \ "switch_id").read[String] and
        (__ \ "internal_network").read(list[Addresses](addressesReads)))(TheSwitch)
      case class Switches(col: List[TheSwitch])
      implicit val switchesReads: Reads[Switches] = 
        (__ \ "").read(list[TheSwitch](theSwitchReads)) map (Switches.apply _)

    when i validate the provided data with:

    val json: JsValue = Json.parse(jsonChunk)

    i get:

    JsError(List((/switch_id,List(ValidationError(error.path.missing,WrappedArray()))), (/internal_network,List(ValidationError(error.path.missing,WrappedArray())))))

    i can access it with JsPath like

    val switches: Seq[String] = (json \\ "switch_id").map([String])

    but i'm really at my wits end with what am i doing wrong with custom reads. i've tried with putting another top level key, and other combinations, but seems i'm missing something crucial, since i've started with this just today.

    thanks a lot.

  • FoggyDew
    FoggyDew about 10 years
    thank you. crucial indeed. i've missed the semantics of it. and tried to add the Switches to deal with the root level. hahaha, doesn't work that way. bless you.